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Thread: Mugen Beat!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ok, Scooby = Sub's. Thanks for that Paul, Adrian

    Both the vivio's. The one with red alloys would have worked out to around £3000 on the road.
    The 1998 went for much more, that would have been around £5500.

    The GXR's are a lot cheaper. In some cases almost 1/3 less than a RXR.

    The blue AZ-1 would have worked out to around £4300 on the road.

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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    South Staffs
    Soooon, very sooooon!

    (this weekend with luck, just ready for the snow!)

    The new roof is on, and its all back in 1 piece!

    BTW, when do you want your beat bits? (and wheels)

    Fahd - what is the performance like of the RXRs and their little brothers? I dont know much about them

    'Beatless for 4 years now

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good news that Paul,

    As for my bits, If you let me know when you're about this way (and have room for them...) then I'll pop along the A14 to meet you again. (Pref not a Mon or a Fri though)

    As for alternative cars, I was quite tempted by a Suzuki Alto Rs-R (4x4 turbo) whilst I was looking for a replacememnt for my old Calibra but decided against it as I wanted something with a bit more room...

    Talk later Paul


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thanks adrianp,

    i see what you mean now! I am trying to find out more pro/cons about having a Beat, as I have only seem them in stationary form and never seen it in action or driven one. So just want to ask all your owners: is the car good to drive? I mean I currently drive an old shape Civic Coupe (94L) and when I am on the motorway with strong sidewinds, I can feel the car swirf a little (passing lorries, etc). So I wonder with the little Beat, is it stable on the motorway at high speed? As I need to drive long distance occationally due to I live up North but Family's down south. I really would like to test drive one to feel the car instead of now just knowing it has a good look if you know what I mean.

    Anyway, just wanna hear some of you speak your feelings about driving them.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hi Mathis,

    I use my beat as a daily driver to work and back as do several other owners, But I do admit to having another car for when I need the extra room...

    The best sort of driving the Beat loves is the twisty stuff, I suppose the best way to describe it is a road legal Go-Kart... and unless you are pushing it too hard then it sticks to the road quite nicely.

    With disc brakes all round, it will probably out brake most things on the road that don't have abs fitted so hitting the brakes hard has been known to catch people out behind you, but they soon learn to drop back a bit...

    Driving it long distances can be a bit loud depending on what sort of exhaust system you have fitted (if you hear mine then you will know what I mean...), and what sort of speed you do.

    70Mph is approx 6000rpm so it's not going to be whisper quiet like some of the modern cars however you look at it. as for driving in wind etc, as long as you remember that it is a little car then you shouldn't have any problems although it's not untill you drive past a 40 footer with the roof down that you realise just how big they are...

    As people know, I love mine so am a bit biased I suppose, Hopefully others will give their impressions for you

    Hope this helps


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks Adrian! Hope more owners can give me their views as I am still a student so owning 2 cars is like out of my question if you know what I mean..... but I see what you mean by owning another car with more space is a good idea.

    knowing it does 70 at about 6000rpm, wouldn't that eat petrols quick? how many litres is a full tank? and how many miles can a full tank do? My coupe is about 30Litres full tank and can do about 280miles, hows the Beat compare to that? student needs a more economical one!


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Manchester / Oxford
    Hi Fahd,

    I dont suspose you seen many beats going through the auctions that have a knackered engine? As im kind of on the lookout for one for a project. If you have seen one do you know how much it went for?



  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hi Marcus,

    Usually come accross a couple of non runners a week. Will keep a look out for you in future. They still fetch a good price. Around £1300 car price. Plus shipping plus customs etc.


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Manchester / Oxford
    Hi Fahd,

    So its looking like £2000 after shipping and customs. I may look around for a cheap one over here and sell the engine on.

    Thanks for the help!!


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Sunny Scotland!
    Sorry about the confusion over the term Scooby

    Up in scotland if someone refers to a scooby doo
    They really mean a Subaru.

    Hope that clears it up.

    Thanks for the info on both the cars I was curious in.
    At least now if i can bribe the wife I know where I can obtain one or the other.

    Please keep me updated with any AZ1s and Vivios you come across.


  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Isle of Wight


    Heyt Fahd,
    any idea if Daihatsu Cuore Avanzato TR-XX R4's ever come up through auction over there and what price they would be on the road here?
    It's gone, it's all gone!!

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hi Robin,

    Do you know its Japanese name? It isnt the Daihatsu Mira is it? Also do you have a picture of one?


  13. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Isle of Wight
    Sorry i dont know the japanese name. it may well be the mira though, that seems to ring a bell.

    One other question. when i sell my beat i will be looking ot replace it within a year. i was just wondering the lowest pirce i could get one imported is? also, do un-modded or modded beats go for the most money?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    It's gone, it's all gone!!

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Sunny Scotland!
    Do you ever see any Honda Z Turbos going through the auctions?

    This was originally the car i wanted before i got a beat.

    Only problem with these is that they are all automatics, but they were 4WD too.

    Any idea of prices etc would helpful.


  15. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hi Ouija, Robin,

    If its Japanese, its available!

    Robin, I think the below pictures are the cars you are referring to. These are the Mira. A 1992-1993 could work out to around £2500-£2800. As for Honda Beats. Unmodded ones are usually cheaper than a modded one. A cheap option for a beat could still work out around £2300-2500 on the road.

    Ouija, The below pic is a 1999 4WD Automatic. Theres around 20-30 of these available each week. These would roughly work out to around £4500-5500 on the road.

    Any other cars you've been long looking for? :P

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  16. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Isle of Wight
    Thanks for all the info Fahd.
    Just a few more questions (sorry). Are AZ1's normally available through auction? how much would a cheap cappuccino be? and can you recommend a nice cheap car to be imported in to the uk? i dont have any real wants apart from it has to be cheap and i mean really cheap to import and get it on the road (but preferably quite cool).

    Thanks Fahd
    It's gone, it's all gone!!

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    >>Hope more owners can give me their views as I am still a student so owning 2 cars is like out of my question

    Hi Mathis,

    I ain't looked back since getting my beat! Impractical as it is, it's amazing what you can actually fit in it when you know there's not much space to play with! And the fun of driving it more than makes up for that!

    Gimme a nice summer day, some winding B-roads and WHEEEEEEEEEE!!

    Even if I won the lottery i would keep this car! (it might get treated to a new exhaust, tail-light and sound system, tho!


  18. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Faversham, Kent (UK)
    Originally posted by mathis
    Thanks Adrian! Hope more owners can give me their views
    Hello Mathis,

    Our Beat isn't used as a daily driver (unlike some / many here).

    We drive ours for the fun factor and bought it because it seemed to be a generally affordable (in comparison with others), sporty-looking, fun and unusual car. T'was exactly what Pat was looking for even though we hadn't previously heard of the Honda Beat.

    We were told that a previous owner of our Beat wasn't happy as he felt quite intimidated in traffic, particularly among buses and lorries but this isn't an issue for us. We've found road-holding and performance to be just fine.

    I haven't properly measured the fuel consumption yet but to fill the tank with Shell Optimax costs about £14 and we have managed to do the 200 miles from Doncaster to North Kent on the one tank-full, but only just and not at 70mph all the way.

    In summary, we're very pleased with ours - but of course everyone has different needs and budgets, its a question of weighing up the pro's and con's as they affect you.

    The possible con's to consider are insurance (some companies won't insure the Beat as its an import), though Tesco Insurance will be able to give you a quote. Also maintenance and repair could be an issue depending where you live.

    You can find some of the things to look out for if buying a Beat elsewhere on this message board.

    There's a helpful Beat community spirit here on this message board with friendly folk who can often offer advice and some extra helpful souls who can often supply parts, and there's also an active Official Owners Club too.

    Hope that bit of a ramble helps!

    Andy & Pat.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thanks everyone! seems like the car is VERY small in term of spaces to put things by the sound of what you lot say........... I seen the car from the outside before when I was back in Hong Kong but never seen the inside of it so never had an idea of the actual space it has. Guess I am on hold of buying one now...... another reason is that since Ouija introduced the Honda Z to me, I am kinda interested too.....

    How much they are? engine size? spec? etc..... anyone has more photos of the interior etc? Since i am new to this car..... hop someone let me know more!

    Sorry for asking about 1 car and now another..... just that I am very intersted in UK-unusual cars..... especially Japanese ones.


  20. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Oh you naughty boy.

    Seldom, actually more like never have I considered a cappuccino over my Beat but this one was very tasty.

    Robin, theres atleast around 3-4 AZ-1's a week. A cheap cappu could still land you around £3600-3800.

    A nice cheap car. These days the Toyota Celica and FTO's are going for pretty cheap. Under £2800 by the time its on the road.

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