Quote Originally Posted by Obsessive View Post
I just get the feeling that it's all smoke and mirrors!

Given how long they took to respond to my email along with the general feedback and the fact that they can't be arsed to sort out the website. I'll be avoiding them!

The hunt for some matching HT leads continues....
Word to the wise: GET NEW RUBBER SLEEVES whether or not you replace the leads! My car just died suddenly a few minutes ago after a quick right turn. First time I'd ever been stranded in the Beat, and facing all the unfamiliar dash lights and no starting..... Expecting the worst (it was a bad day in general: 2 other family cars have problems...), I rolled to the curb, took off the engine hatch, and quickly noticed that the center HT lead was off the distributor! A silent prayer of thanks and then home again. I really was not pulling that many G's in the corner, so apparently those things can just slip off!