I've just got my Beat back after 9 months without it. I bought it jointly with my sister with some inheritance money and when i moved in with my girlfriend i couldn't afford to run two cars on my own. Because my move was planned ages in advance, i put the Beat up for sale on these very pages in August 2007. I've never updated that post, and even now i've never had a reply to it. Throughout this year i watched a few Beats sell on ebay for about a grand or so and made the decision to get enough cash together to be able to run 2 cars. I reasoned i'd rather spend a small amount money using the Beat than lose a couple of grand selling it. Now it's in the drive parked next to my trusty breadvan Civic, and i couldn't be happier. It's such a brilliant car, (and also the perfect second car) i may never sell it. I realise your situation is different to mine, but i just wanted to give my opinion.
"Three is not the correct number of wheels for a powered vehicle"
2001 1.4 Civic 5door.