Hello everyone,
I finally got my Beat on the road, however after a few weeks of use, it started giving me a problem.

On hot days or after a (~15min) drive, engine cranks strongly but won't start but starts with a push start. No issues when cold.

Things checked so far during no start:
Main relay: checked on cranking with a test-light / volt-meter, all seems fine
Voltage on battery during cranking: ~11.5V
Spark on plugs: NO
Spark out of coil: NO (Coil is not hot)
ECU to igniter (white wire): Good continuity, reads ~10V
Igniter to coil (blue wire): 12V (car started shortly after and couldn't recreate non-starting)
Injector signal during cranking: OK
Sensor voltage during cranking: Cyl : 2.4V, TDC: 0.8V (car started shortly after and couldn't recreate non-starting)
Cooling temp sensor to ECU: gives correct resistance values when hot (High ohm when cold, ~200ohm when hot)

On normal operation, CEL is always on, no blinking if diagnosed. Engine runs perfectly and doesn't stall or lose power even if stuck in traffic etc.

Also, Most of the ECU electrolytic capacitors have been replaced and Main relay re-soldered.

Strange thing that car start with a slight push start.

What else can I diagnose?