... is how I would describe my decision to buy this...

Its got rusty sills, doesnt run, needs a new roof, and I know next to nothing about Beats, apart from that I love them and have always wanted one.

I will be spending many an hour trawling this forum no doubt, so thought I would say hello!
I'm sure many super noob questions are to follow, so I will try and get some use of the search bar in to make sure I'm not 'that guy' that asks the questions that have been answered every other week for the past eternity, but I would really like this on the road this year, so will have many questions.

I need a clutch cable as my pedal goes to the floor (hoping its just cable!), and new wing mirrors, to lose the bike backbox that is currently on it, and definitely need a steering boss so I can put a smaller steering wheel in it (lanky git problems!!).. Anyone have any of those things?

I hear the solder in the ECU goes brittle and fails, the fuel pumps can seize if not used for a while (which this hasnt been), and the timing is super important and commonly incorrect, so that would be where I will be starting with the diagnosis.. If anyone has any other suggestions that would be super awesome.

But yeah, what you know about my Beat is now on the same level as how much I do, so thats a bonus!