This week, Im in the land of the Beat!!

Have spent it in Tochigi at Honda R&D, for the first time and I cant believe how many Beats I see every day on my way into the office!

In probably every different varient, colour and converted flavour. Type F, C and Z. Mugen kits etc. etc.

What with all the other Kei cars running about, Unfortunatelty all these cars makes the 12km bus ride to the office takes 50 minutes, its just one long queue of honda cars with Honda motorcycle running down the side of them.

But its good to see so many Beats so fit and well here.

Interesting I spoke with the guys I am meeting here with and mentioned the fact that so many Beat original parts are being discontinued and they told me thats because there is a very health aftermarket supply of beat parts, so its not a worry in Japan, So best you all come for a visit when you need a part or two.

One more day and its fairwell and a long 15hr journey back home. (3hrs bus ride and 12 hr flight)