Hello everyone, Im Jamie from Surrey UK, im 20 and iv just bought myself a Beat!

I have been into Hondas for a while now and after just selling my CRX siR i needed a new toy, and this seemed just the thing!

I bought it off my dad, who has owned it for about the last 10 years. Over that time he has done no more than 10K KMS, and it has only covered 82k kms since new. It is a H reg, and was originally red, but has been sprayed a gold sort of colour.

It has been standing for the last year so it needs some TLC!

Basically, needs:

-New roof (old one has been chewed by foxes!!)
-New bonnet (mine has a crack in the corner of it)
-A new n/s wing mirror as mine has snapped off

Also, i have been told that the drive belt has snapped? Im not sure how true this is, or if they even run off a drive belt?! I picked it up this evening so i havent had it started to investigate yet, but aparently the engine starts fine but the car doesnt actually drive?

I stuck a charged battery on and turned her over but the starter motor was just spinning, and not engaging so il have to have a look at that aswell.

Basically, im just after some info as to what the problem may be, and also if someone has any contacts or a website/company that can get parts ie bonnet, wing mirror, roof etc, unless anyone has any of the above for sale of course

So any help would be greatly appreciated.

