Just curious, who here has actually changed the timing belt themselves. The reason I ask, how did you do it? I was hoping to find advice from someone who has actually turned the wrench and did the job themselves that could offer some advice...

Did you drop the motor?
Did you tip it on its side?
Did you do it from underneath/with a car hoist and leave the motor installed?

How long did it take? Was it a PITA?

Other than the FSM that is in Japanese, is there any other literature or step by step showing how to do this???

I'm going to bring mine to a mechanic to do (its a little beyond my level) and I'm scared that if they go at it without a manual, they will either take 20+hours to do it, or screw something up or perhaps both

No one in my town has ever seen a honda beat, let alone fixed one before, so I'm not to sure how they are going to go about fixing the car without a FSM. Is this no different that working on a honda civic (minus the engine is in the rear) in terms of alternator, timing belt, water pump, ext?

Thanks all, this forum has been great so far!!!