Hey guys, so basically, there's no where to find information as the the result of tuning the beat, or what you can really do. It's mentioned that you can chip it, but never the result of that is other than delimiting...

Anyway, a bit frustrated, I'm starting this thread. What modifications can one make, performance wise, and what are the results? I'm trying to decide between an AZ-1, a Beat, and a Cappuccino, and as things stand, I leaning away from the beat because, tho I love it's styling, and the longer wheel base, there's no information about it anywhere.

The mods I've seen mentioned:

Chipping it
ECU replacement
Turbo? (There's a turbo version of the engine I hear...)

And Back Yard Special's crazy B18 Beat, but I'm not sure what that would involve, or if I would be up to it.