View Full Version : New guy~

15-09-2004, 07:31 AM
hi new here.. havent got my beat yet.. but im looking to get one on saturday, provided its "good" ie no rusts etc..

its gonna cost $5000 NZ Dollars. thats 35000 yen if thats of any help, not quite sure how much in UK, wait i'll check

according to

its going to cost

1,845.25 GBP

is that a good price?
its done 54000 kms and is metallic green, im going to go see it with my uncle this sat.. so exited. i've just been reading and reading all day about beat. the mods that can be done and the problems people have had.

I'm from New Zealand by the way, next to Australia hehe

Nice to meet u all

15-09-2004, 07:33 PM
Welcome to the mad house...

If you've been reading through the forum then hopefully you will have realised we are quite a friendly bunch here, even if we do take the micky at times... :bounce:

To be honest, that price seems excelent, especially compared to average prices over here (£3000+) so unless there is anything major wrong with it then I'd grab it...

Any questions you have, just shout... There are several people on here with extensive knowledge of the cars so hopefully we should be able to answer anything you have (except, why does my car only rev to 7250...:explode: )

Hope you get a good one...


15-09-2004, 10:52 PM
Sounds like a great price. Beats in Australia are usually listed at about $10,000. :)

16-09-2004, 06:51 AM
hehe yeah!
hope it has a straight chassis and no rust.. thats all i really have to look out for right?

any other things i should be aware of?


i hvae a thread there with a question.. hehe