View Full Version : Stamps

13-10-2002, 09:18 AM
Nope, not as boring as the subject sounds this time (Hopefuly)

Thought I might as well show off my latest acquisition,

I was in the post office the other week and noticed that they now do custom stamps out of pictures that you supply,

They aren't exactly cheap but they definitely are unique...

I got a sheet of 20, and have scanned half of them in along with the photo that I supplied to get them.

Visit www.royalmail.com/smilers for info or pop down to your local post office and grab a leaflet...

Well what do you all think then???


13-10-2002, 11:54 AM
Hi Ade,

I think that your stamps are very good, as I've actually seen one first hand.

It was quite a funny moment when initially looked at the stamp on your letter and shock, horror, I thought I saw a Honda Beat!

I thought:
'It can't be a Beat, no way, not on a stamp. It is a Beat. How did you put a Beat on a stamp? Where do you get these stamps from? Are they from Japan? I want some too.'

I can't believe how expensive they are though, £14.95 for 20!

But, if it makes someone smile, then it's worth it.
