View Full Version : yahoo web site

13-07-2004, 10:55 PM
have been trying to get on ,buts its all in japanesse anyone got any ideas to convert to english:confused: posted so many questions think i should have my own web page.:awwww:

14-07-2004, 04:41 AM

As far as I'm aware non residents cannot purchase on Japanese Yahoo. Adrian I believe has tried this before. Might be worth a PM to him and ask.


14-07-2004, 06:31 AM
Hi John, Jason,

Yep we can't bid on Yahoo Japan ourselves but that's where Oz in Japan comes in...

We have a look through to see what we would like, we then let Oz know and he bids for us.

If we win, then we transfer some money over to him and he pays for it, then it can either be shipped straight over (expensive) or it can come over in the 'Big Box' that comes over every couple of months (cheaper)

I now use Bablefish (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr) to do the translation of the Jap text.

Just have the auction open in 1 window and bablefish open in another, Then just copy the Jap text into the bablefish box (Highlight, copy, paste) and choose Japanese to English from the drop down menu.

Their site used to be able to translate the whole auction site as you went but I think Yahoo have upped their security settings as it doesn't work now...

Hope this helps


14-07-2004, 08:21 AM
If Babelfish is giving you headaches here is another site you can try, the initial screen is in Japanese I think maybe English also, but just paste your enquiry text into the box (or the whole site URL) and hit the 'GO' button




22-07-2004, 12:27 AM
Just a quick correction to Adrians post, if you want me to bid and send things from the auction boards that is no problem, BUT, please

A) Send me a mail with the URL address of the Auction included AND the MAXIMUM bid amount you want to place on it! "Oz, can you put a bid on the yellow side mirror for me" just doesn't give me much to work with... "[auction URL] Can you chuck 5000yen on this one for me Oz see how it goes, I'll send over the cash today for you" this works!

B) Please then send that maximum bid amount through to my PayPal account, when I get your payment I will place the bid

Just one thing to note is that PayPal takes fees from the money you send, which means for example you send 10,000yen and I receive 9400, or something like that, that is the amount I will put on the auction for you, at any rate everyone will be able to keep track of whats going on, on their own order pages..

Cheers All & happy bidding, the Beat Auctions have been really lively lately, I'd be keeping an eye out for some bargains!
