View Full Version : Beats in Australia

01-07-2004, 10:00 PM
Going to perth (australia ) in Oct any beats over there ? can you pick parts up over there....get my beat on Sat....cant wait hope its sunny so i can have the top down give me a hoot if you see me on the A12 heading clacton way,there is car show in Walton on the naze Sunday ,anyone going?:bounce:

02-07-2004, 12:06 AM
I live in Victoria and own a Beat. I know of a lady who lives in Perth that owns a Beat. :)

05-07-2004, 04:34 AM
according to my stats so far, we have two in Melb, maybe three, 2 in Qld, 2 in WA and one in SA.......there is a page on a few members who bothered to submit a story on my home page....


28-09-2004, 11:38 AM
hey guys
im going to be looking at importing a beat mid 05, did you guys buy them in aus or import them through a company?

28-09-2004, 11:51 AM
Not to blow my own horn , but I get them the cheapest here, you ake care of your shipping company and you can save a bundle...



29-09-2004, 09:56 AM
hey oz thanks for the reply

so ure saying that for a nominal fee you could sorce me one and i take car of the shipping? or just gloating hahahaha.

would love to see the prices that they go for in japan, any links to some online auction sites so i can get an idea.

i know they go for about 10grand here in aus.

29-09-2004, 12:13 PM
If you can source a Beat for 10grand in Oz, better get it there...

300,000 is the base price for a mid condition Beat on the Auction Boards here then you have to deregister it, prep for shipping (which due to quarantine is a pain in the butt) ship it and re-register it. You can check out this link for Yahoo Auctions and get a feel for the prices.



The OZSamurai

29-09-2004, 09:37 PM
Unfortunately Beat prices in Australia I think have been falling. I bought mine for 10k my sister bought hers for a little under 7K. I was thinking that it might be possible to import them from NZ as car prices there are REALLY low. :)

29-09-2004, 10:54 PM

Seriously, If you can get me a Beat in Oz with rego for 7K in Victoria, I want it! Lets know if they come up



30-09-2004, 10:22 AM
I have seen two go for around this price over the last six months. I will keep my eyes out for you Oz. :)

30-09-2004, 10:38 AM
300,000 roughly comes to 4 grand aus, not to bad really. ive been told around 5 grand to import and register one........... can anybody tell me otherwise.
as far as mid range condition as long as the motor and running gear is in good order the rest can be fixed, interior and paint ive got friends in.

I bought mine for 10k my sister bought hers for a little under 7K

where did you guys get them? normal dealer or import dealer.

sorry for all the questions, im without a ride at the moment as my alfasud was put through a brick wall 2 months ago by a run away truck and my mobikes in the shop. transport is borrow beg and steal at the moment:(

30-09-2004, 10:47 AM
I will put mine in my case when i come to Perth :D

01-10-2004, 08:07 AM
i know i've said it once but i'll say it again sorry you cant import a beat into australia untill either (a. it gets compliance (never)
(b. it's 15 years old (long wait)

ok ill do my best to explain why.
I'm really into high performance cars and what not and have been obsessing over what car to try and get when i move back (i live in singapore currently) a few years ago when the japanese import scene started to pick up compaines like toyota and holden in australia quickly moved to have the government install legislation to stop the literally thousands of cheap second hand performance cars coming from australia. So they did and their is now only 2 well actallu tree ways of getting a car in australia

(A) SEVS - something like specialists enthusiats vechile scheme. well it means that if a company or tuning shop in australia wants to pay ALOT of money and gop through the lenghty process then certain cars will be eligible for import by that company problem is most shops cant afford this so only provide compliance for models like - 300zx, r33,r34 skyline, 200sx, pulsar gtir and so on.....

oh yeah and if you do find a car in japan and a shop in australia that can compliance a vechile you have to pay something like $3000 aussies ontop of freight insurrance blah blah blah

list of cars with compliance is avaliable on some rta site i think cant find it now

(B) 15 Year rule - This is possibly gonna change in the next year or so. OK....... If a car any car is 15 or more years old to the month of manufacture it can be imported into Australia.

But it must be taken to a certified shop in australia to be complianced and the gas in the aircon's must be taken out in japan.

Cars used on this method require no extra fees as such just that when they are complianced must meet austrlian road rules and have like tyres in good condition or some must be purchased

(C) RACE / RALLY - Basically this one is the easiest any car can be bought in but never to be driven on the road only used for racing or rally purposes A cams -3 racing license is required

From what i can tell alto of tuning shops in australia use this method to bring in cars from japan fully tricked out with parts and then just dissasemble them and sell the parts

Finally if you want m ore info i suggest checking out www.prestigemotosport.com.au or

(oh yeah last thing only right hand drive cars can be registered unless their 15 years old for Western australia or 30 years old for every other state)

think thjat about covers most of it
sorry about the spelling i typed it quickly

01-10-2004, 09:49 PM
Hey Astroboy,

Both cars were bought privately. I'm not sure if Aaron is correct unless the law has changed just recently. I know one of the guys who import(ed/s) Beats into Australia and compliances them so I will find out if things have changed.

Jason :)

02-10-2004, 09:30 AM
hmm well if it is a 15year rule i dont have to wait long anyway, sein as they were made from 90/95. i joined this forum back in 02 as i wanted to buy one.......... 2 cars, 4 moves, 3 girlfriends later i think its about time to follow through hahahhaa.

02-10-2004, 11:18 AM
you all also forgot about the Personal Import Scheme, low volume import scheme and full licenses, you can import Beats on any of those if you know someone who has one...... or lives here hehehehehe


02-10-2004, 04:38 PM
i may not be correct but this is just what i have come to understand from reading a fair few import magazines and checking out some website. but i don't actually live in australia so their is probably other ways around all this

03-10-2004, 08:15 AM
after doing abit of reading i think that waiting for the 15yr rule will be worth it, cheaper and less to do on the car. and by that time i can buy a tricked up one............ turbos are cool hahah.

08-10-2004, 02:49 PM
Hi all

Aaron is spot on.

I am emigrating from England to Australia in the next few months and thought it would be a great idea to bring my Beat with me. So I've been on the phone to Autralian customs, department of transport and all sorts of people organising this.

First off, its not easy! There are quite a few ways of getting cars into the country but as Aaron says the Beat doesnt qualify for most of them. Even the 15 year rule may not be enough as you also need Import Approval for your car and Honda Aus wont give approval to australian department of transport (dotars) because it was never sold in Aus. I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could get around this but it would be quite hard work.

Luckily for me I have owned my Beat for 5 years so qualify for a Personnel Import scheme which looks like the easiest way and possibly only way of getting a beat into Aus at the moment. It still isnt easy. I have to prove that I have owned the car for a minimum of 12 months and the car has been used by solely me in that period. I have to supply my passport to show I was in the same country as the car for the period and show all running bills (with my name on) to prove that I was running the car.

Apparently these laws came in November 2002. So previous to this it was far easier to get cars in.

I am a bit stressed after reading this thread as it is going to cost me about £1500 (roughly Aus $4000) to get my car deregistered, shipped from England to Adelaide, pay the import tax (customs), get the car steam cleaned, checked and got a plate to state its legal for the car to be in Aus, and then registered by the SA transport authority. They also wont let ANYTHING into Aus that runs on R12 aircon gas. You also cant import a car into Aus with ANY air con gas in it at all. You have to get the gas pumped out and get a certificate to say its R134 compatible and has no gas in it at the time of importing.

If the car is only worth Aus $7000 then it means the car is only worth about £1300, do the math of (car value Aus $7000 - shipping cost Aus $4000 = Aus $3000 convert to punds about £1300)!!! if I were to sell it in Aus. So its not financially worth it ....... except its my pride and joy and Id love to have it in a hot climate where I could use it every day with the roof down.

Oh and if you try to import a car to Aus WITHOUT getting Import Approval first, they give you a Aus $12000 fine and ship the car back to where it came from, so I wouldnt recommend it.

I also looked into getting my BMW 728i shipped but it doesnt have Import Approval as it was never sold in Aus, the 735 was but the 728 doesnt qualify as the engine hasnt been tested to meet Australian standards.... daft if you ask me.

Good luck to all who try