View Full Version : FAO Adrianp

22-06-2004, 09:23 AM
Hey Ade,

Now I was just wondering on wuite a few of your post's you have said how things are being done to your car and now in the latest BBox thread we find out that most of the bits in it are yours - but still no pics of what has happened to your car. Keep us posted I want to see the changes...

22-06-2004, 06:11 PM
Ahhh, Now that would be telling... ;)

All will be revealed at Billing in July,

It's nothing compared to what Gary has done to his, I actually like my beat looking like a beat...(no offence Gary, yours is nice but I wouldn't want it...)

I'm concentrating on adding a few optional extras that are not normally found in a beat... I've now got everything I need so I'll have to start doing something with it all soon.
