View Full Version : Looking for a couple of mirrors

01-06-2004, 01:18 PM
I'm looking for a pair of mirrors for the yellow monster or advice on repairing the current ones. Don't know how the previous owner did this, but both mirrors have been sheared off at the bracket. So for each mirror, I have two bits and the metal and plastic are both broken apart, see the four photos below.

So what do you reckon, repair or replace? If I replace, will I need both bits? Anybody out there got a pair for sale? Colour not a problem, just about to be resprayed.

I see from other posts that Honda do the mirrors for around £155 and that Steve M (Hi Steve!) can get them, so maybe that's my best bet.

Thanks all -Jc.

ps. I keep seeing a yellow one parked in Teddington, with a Eire reg -anybody own up?

01-06-2004, 05:09 PM

The bracket as far as I know is aluminium so you will have to get someone who welds that cause is not the same as steel. I had the same problem when I got my car but instead I fitted micra mirrors onto the brackets. It took a while to do it and they are not that great. I think someone got it welded before thou and it looked fine.

Paul w
01-06-2004, 05:27 PM
My father had a look at welding mine when it broke, but the alloy was so oxidised and access was so difficult that it wasn't really viable.

Oz - Got any on the wrecker?

If not, I suggest Yaphoo (japanese yahoo via oz's site) and stick it in the big box


01-06-2004, 05:31 PM
Hi Jc

I managed to get a mirror from Japan through Oz on the yahoo auctions.

Maybe give Oz a shout and keep an eye on the auctions.


Cheers Spence.

02-06-2004, 02:53 AM
If there is one thing I can say with confidence, now having worked at Honda up to my butt in faulty parts, they are not completely fixable (although it seems Adam loves to defy this at every chance, lol). It seems the going deal on mirrors these days is 5-8,000 in good nick, you know the drill if you want me to grab some off the boards, the wrecker didn't have any on it, in fact it didn't even have doors as a matter of fact. Next BBox ship is July!



02-06-2004, 08:52 AM
I had same problem with one of my mirrors

bought a two pack superglue stuff and glued it back together

that was about a year ago and it's still working. It was fiddly and

I seem to remember having to take the whole mirror apart and

glueing it and temporarily taping it together till it had set

completely. So is definately worth a try !

Paul w
02-06-2004, 09:16 AM
Taking the mirror apart is a days work in itself!

I had to pop the glass out, then go at it with a very long thin phillips screwriver!

I ended up swapping it in the end anyway!

If you are going to glue it, i suggest drilling some very small holes so you can wire it together then epoxy over that, but I think you'll find the metal very powdery and brittle.


02-06-2004, 08:28 PM
Thanks for all the help with the mirrors. Turns out that Honda UK have stock of the drivers side, but the other one has to come over from Japan.

So I think I'll buy one and try the drill/wire/glue/hope approach on the other -Paul, how did you 'pop the glass out'?

...but if someone suddenly finds a passenger side mirror hanging around, please give me a shout!

Cheers -Jc.

Paul w
02-06-2004, 09:11 PM
Paul, how did you 'pop the glass out'?

Very very carefully!

Peel back the edge surround, i used a flattened wooden stick so i didnt damage the glass (metal just chips the edge)
once the gap between the mirror and the plastic is exposed, slowly work the stick in further. The mirror is held on in the center by a cross between lego and stickle bricks......(cant think how to describe it!)

heres a pic

Blue bit glass, red mirror, black bit the locking pad

I bet ya crack it...... (thats what ade said to me when i did mine!)


02-06-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by -Jc.
how did you 'pop the glass out'?

Use the warmth of a Hair dryer or heat gun to make the glass plastic surround (black bit) more supple and carefully ease the glass away.