View Full Version : Old Gathers cd changers

Paul w
31-05-2004, 08:03 PM
Cd player 'playing up'?

If its an old type gathers and its giving ERROR 1, then its a flat battery!!!

Not your main battery, but one buried deep inside the changer. It should be 3v and mine was reading about 0.2v!

I've ordered a new one, and once i've confirmed the part number i'll let anyone know what it is if needed.

Also, these codes might be useful

Error 1 Battery inside CD Changer needs to be replaced.

Error 2 CD error message. Mechanism has as eject problem or takes a long time to select CD.

Error 3 CD error message. The pick-up is out of focus during play mode due to scratches on the disc or contamination.

Error 4 Connection problem. Reconnect the data cable.

Error 5 CD error message. Could not read correct data due to CD ROM.

Error 6 CD error message. Could not read data from disc because it is upside-down.

These are from Clarion directly!


Tamsin Nunley
11-06-2004, 10:19 AM
While we're on the subject, something funny's happening to my Gathers radio - the min/max volume graphic has turned orange and started flashing, and it will no longer reach the ear-splitting volume i crave (well, not *that* ear-splitting -it is only a 40w after all :) ).

Has this happened to anyone else..?

(It would be so cool to be able to get a modern radio that's tailored to the shape of the old one, wouldn't it? And one that plays mp3s! Aw well - one can but dream.... I did see a kit that enables you to connect an ipod up to your car stereo the other day, too. Though whether it would work with the Gathers stuff... I'll try to find the link and post it)

Paul w
11-06-2004, 10:28 AM
You havent got the mute button pressed have you?
It makes the dials flash and reduces the volume by 41 dB......


(oh and as for mp3s........watch this space!)

Tamsin Nunley
11-06-2004, 03:04 PM
Ahhh! I think you're onto something there, with that 'mute button' thing! :) - thanks!

A mate just kindly sent me this:

"This website http://www.ihavetohave.it - has a ipod connection thingie here: http://www.ihavetohave.it/acatalog/ICE-Link.html

However I can also highly recommend the Dension stuff that they sell:

I’ve got one of the Dension units in my car and it rocks."

I did point out that i doubt it will be compatible with our Clarion/Gathers stuff, but he said it could be worth investigating anyway.

Paul w
11-06-2004, 03:37 PM
Maplin are doing something very similar on offer at the mo,,,,,
oops just looked and its discontinued, but it was a 10gb MP3 in car unit for £149


11-06-2004, 10:39 PM
Sorry guys, dont mean to hijack the thread or anything but....


I have the iTrip on the 'auld iPod with the radio tuned to pick it up :D

Works a treat!

Just FYI for iPod users (although Ireland has now banned iTrips cause you need a broadcasting liscence for it ... go figure)


12-06-2004, 01:47 AM
Now that you mention it many companies do them. Not just for Ipods but for anything. They are around £15 to buy. And are a great idea.

12-06-2004, 06:54 AM

I've got one of these...


Hopefully what I want to use it with will be fitted into the car soon..:rolleyes:

Works pretty well although I hope my new aeriel turns up soon so I can make proper use of it...


Tamsin Nunley
14-06-2004, 07:37 PM
*starts saving for i-pod in a hurry*

These look like a good alternative to a CD changer - how's the sound, though?

14-06-2004, 11:07 PM
Well in my expirience the I-pod looks very good but the creative Zen are much better value for money (Just an opinion).

15-06-2004, 12:08 AM
I run an iMac at home so I may be a bit unfair :)

Connect the digital camera - boom - up pops iPhoto and imports all my images. Connect the iPod - up pops iTunes with all my playlists etc.

I got a Pod over anything else because it was made to go with what I already have. Yes it is more money but if I got something else I would always be wondering what the iPod was like - thats just me :) I buy CD's now - rip 'em and put them on the shelf never to be seen again - the little white monster comes EVERYWHERE with me (and you can play chopper, break-out and solitare).

The sound quality is fantastic with headphones ***BUT*** on the radio in the Beat I find it hard to get a crystal clear signal with the iTrip - its a radio/iTrip issue because its crystal clear on my home stereo - just be aware of this. Again it could be just my radio but I think its worth a mention. One of the other transmitters may work better (but you need extra batteries).

If it was a choice between a 12 CD changer and 50 free CDs or an MP3 player, I'd pick the MP3 every time.

Sorry for the long post - I hope its some use - let me know if I can give yall any info :)

Take Care,

15-06-2004, 12:54 AM
My last post on this.

I agree with all your points and I agree that a mac is far better then any pc out there and can take anything you throw at it. But and there is a but, the pod has a battery problem as we all know it which lets face it, its a little too much for something with a build in fault.

I have used the white moster and its great, I love it but if a year down the line I got to be sending it away for repair at my own cost, well I will have to consider something else.

Not that this post is related to the car in any way :) .

Tamsin Nunley
15-06-2004, 11:08 AM
Adam, i was going to get a Creative Zen before i found out that they jump quite badly if you go jogging with them - otherwise, who could resist that amount of storage space for that price? :D

15-06-2004, 01:10 PM

Sorry guys - I meant my post more as a MP3 VS CD post.

Sorry if I came across all Mac'ish. I do harddisk recording (my own stuff and other bands) so I dont really care if its Mac or PC just as long as it has a HD and is digital :)

As you mentioned Adam - I am worried about the battery problems but I'm an optimist :) and to be honest you CANT beat the Zen in value for money!

With the iPod - what I use works well for ME - horses for courses I guess. I hang out with a lot of the local bands and get my mitts on CD-R demos all the time so with my Beat stereo not playing burned CD's the MP3 choice for me was a no-brainer :)

Hope I havnt pissed anyone off - Im really not trying to.


15-06-2004, 04:24 PM
Oh come on Dave you should know by now that I argue just to argue. Its a hobby! Next to the beat of course :)

15-06-2004, 09:49 PM

15-06-2004, 11:58 PM
Was that a wry smile, dave?

15-06-2004, 11:58 PM
It seems everyone is on the same page lately with their mods, I just installed a portable DVD player into mine, although not as compact as the iPod I thought it was a great deal. Multi-region playback of all popular formats of discs (DVD VCD SVCD CDetc.) as well as MP3 and WMA WAV support. The unit came with all the cords for connection to just about everything (including car) and is in a high gloss black finish (fingerprint problem!). So I have been able to burn up some disc and enjoy my time on the way to work in the Honda traffic jam. The maker is HOMITA, a Korean company I think, I was a bit wary, but then again the same reputation was once held about Japanese electronics.... The unit was under $300US so I am really happy with it. So I'll go MP3 supporter!! There's a pic on the site on the Volvo page (its just one page!)...lol


16-06-2004, 12:02 AM
I still can't believe how neat the iPOD is. I'm about to order a little dooberry that let's you dump images off your digicam for eventual transfer to the PC. I have the 20Gb unit and that's ample for just about everything I need. I know battery life's an issue, but Belkin do a unit that'll take AAs. It just plugs in and off you go again. Better with rechargeables of course!

Paul w
29-10-2006, 06:07 PM
Nudge for the folks with CD errors that we met today.....


29-10-2006, 07:19 PM
Looks like his CD might have been upside down then! Least that's easy to fix hee hee

Paul w
29-10-2006, 08:16 PM
dont think so as we checked, could be a dirty lens though, so a cd cleaner would probably do it. I had one with some tiny brushes on the surface (a cd that is) that worked a treat.