View Full Version : Changes afoot

Paul w
24-05-2004, 11:31 AM
No, not new shoes....

I'm determined to get the website updated over the next month or so, these are the plans!

1. Finally get the new artwork uploaded with the fancy logo etc
2. ugrade this message board to the latest version! (should be fun if it all goes wrong!!)
3. get rid of a few bits (chat room, history page etc)
4. Clean up the server (theres about 80Meg of stuff on there!)

John - I notice that the ukhbc site is down these days, is it no longer used? Shall we merge them back again, I made sure that the logo was easily changed....

I'll let you all know when this is going to be happening, as it will mean quite a lot of down time.


Paul w
11-06-2004, 10:14 AM
Hi all,
The site will be unavailable for a short while, as I am backing up the website ready for the big change!


Paul w
11-06-2004, 10:27 AM
All done!


11-06-2004, 03:17 PM

I'd be very happy to do so - the old site is defunct (ouch!) and it makes very good sense to focus in on the one true site.

There were a few good bits on the old site that could have been transported and updated, but sadly I can't get at them now, so we'll probably have to start from scratch.

Lets have a discussion off-board to agree what we do and how we do it.


24-06-2004, 03:57 PM
I do like the look of the new site Paul - or at least the small teaser we have been given. Will be great to see it all up and finished - Do you have a ETA for the new site or not?

Paul w
24-06-2004, 03:59 PM
Its all being done at 'mates rates' so i'm waiting on a mate to finish off a few things and upload it.

should be anytime soon!

Then i'll need some content to fill it!