View Full Version : Fuel filter?

06-10-2002, 11:44 PM
Hey gang,

Where do I find the fuel filter and what is the part code?


06-10-2002, 11:55 PM
Fuel Filter is located on the drivers side, just in under the edge as you look in from the boot.

Indicated with white arrow on pic, even thou ya cant see the actual filter.

Part number should be 16010-SS1-931 but i think it actually superseeds to 16010-SS1-505

Its about £25


07-10-2002, 10:33 AM

Are there any tricks with regards to changing it?


07-10-2002, 07:52 PM
You need to crack off the two fuel unions first, have a cloth handy cos some fuel will come out. you really need a thin 19mm spanner to counterhold the filter as you undo the 17mm unions.

Once both pipes are off, keep them up as high as ya can, cos fuel will drain out.

Undo the 10mm bolt which hold the metal clamping strip round the filter and it should be away.

when putting back on you need to align the lump in the bracket with the grooves in the filter and have the filter aligned as the old one was, pipe will only go on one way. put the 10mm bolt back in and then put the pipes back on, use the new alloy washers one under and one over the pipe union.

dont over tighten the unions just nip them up really. once on start up and check for any leaks.

its a bit tight doing it and the pipes can be a bit tough to get undone.


07-10-2002, 08:07 PM

07-10-2002, 11:12 PM

Thanks so much. I was talking to someone yesterday who said there would be an elaborate sequence when putting the new filter on so as to bleed the system.
