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View Full Version : Using roof on a beat!

16-05-2004, 12:09 PM
Now do not LAUGH!

As a "beat" newbie, I should of asked the vendor the correct manner to put down the beats roof! Well I did, but am not sure I am doing it right!

Can anybody offer me the correct routine?

Many thanks, your stupidly,



Paul w
16-05-2004, 06:23 PM
Undo the fron latches to take the tension off.

Pop the rear 'press studs' if still in use (nearest to the door handles)

Unzip the rear window and lay flat on the parcel shelf

Fold the roof making sure it doesnt crease the rear window.

Enjoy the sun!


Jenny B
18-05-2004, 08:53 AM
Not so stupid as me, I did not realise the rear window had a zip for a year!

It wasn't until I read a thread on here asking who unzips and who doesn't that I took a look!!

Wonder if that is why it came unglued at the bottom!

