06-01-2004, 10:15 PM
Nice! I was wondering, does Honda ever look at modifications that people have made to their cars and think 'next time we make something we might just use that.'
Just a thought. :)
07-01-2004, 12:00 AM
Its funny you say that, I do a lot of translation at the 'concept meetings', the designs on the board are absolutely fantastic sometimes (have you seen the Beat concept drawings?). Then it gets mangled by the production side, and ligthened by the financial side, then safety comes into play and you end up with another roundish-box.....Its quite disheartening. Honda has some great designers, unfortunatley it seems they are always tied up in 'reality' cars. But you definately will see some lower sleeker Honda's coming out of the stables from the 06 models. They let them loose in the Acura range, but you end up paying for it a bit. Anyway, I re-designed this one to one of the original concept drawings, this is how the beat should have been sold (lol)
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