View Full Version : Ecu
26-04-2004, 12:01 PM
Hey Gang,
Well, I have two repaired ECU's. I only need one so the other is for sale. I am looking for 200 pound for it. If anyone is interested please contact me as I'm keen to sell it.
Paul w
26-04-2004, 02:50 PM
Maybe its a good time to do my ECU upgrade then..........
27-04-2004, 10:06 AM
Is that an offer? :D
Paul w
27-04-2004, 11:18 AM
I'll let you know once i've done the soldering!
(in the mean time feel free to sell it)
28-04-2004, 12:06 AM
Hey Paul,
I'm not sure if you need any advise to change the capacitors but it might be useful for anyone else attempting this.
1 Use a low wattage iron.
2 Use a solder sucker.
3 Heat the joint sufficiently to the let the solder flow.
4 You shouldn't need to pull the capacitors out, if you do you will end up removing the vias or even worse the track and that's bad.
5 The diagram depicts two capacitors with the wrong ratings. Take note of the listing and what came out.
6 All the capacitors are mounted in the same direction in terms of their polarity.
Hope this helps
28-04-2004, 12:13 AM
After talking with the girlfriend (ie finance manager) I have reduced the price on my old repaired ECU to 150 Pound. All the capacitors have been changed courtesy of an Electronics Engineer (I was a very good assistant though). There are a couple of link wires used but the unit works extremely well. Idle is smooth as well as acceleration and there is no rev limit problem. Could be perfect for attempting to fit a performance chip to. Any interested parties? :)
Paul w
28-04-2004, 12:24 PM
Hmmm Might be nice to have as an 'exchange unit' to offer upgrades, ie I swap an upgraded and tested one for theirs then upgrade that one....
What would people pay for this as a service?
New Capacitors
As an exchange item
29-04-2004, 12:32 AM
Sounds like a great idea. I was thinking of getting mine chipped but I didn't want to be without my car.
02-05-2004, 01:36 AM
Hey there,
I have just driven from Melbourne to Adelaide in my Beat. I'm not sure if this counts as a record 800km in one day. Anyway, I can guarantee that the ECU works.
23-05-2004, 03:22 PM
Hi Jason,
Is this ECU still up for grabs. I have a Ver Z so I'll have to remove a chip to fit the upgrade which I wasn't looking forward to. If it is still available I'll take it.
23-05-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by tinytim
I have a Ver Z so I'll have to remove a chip to fit the upgrade which I wasn't looking forward to.
Id check the part number on your ECU first, because it looks from the parts listings that only the later 110 chassis Ver Z have a differant ECU.
The 37820-P36-000 ecu does not seem the have a chip already fitted, the later 37820-P36-003 ECU perhaps does.
24-05-2004, 01:28 AM
Still for sale. I will find out postage today. :)
24-05-2004, 07:29 PM
Hi Jason
PM sent
19-01-2007, 05:53 PM
Hi Jason,
Will be happy to pay,if you can fix my ECU.
Hi, i'm dickhooi. I think your ecu is time to change a new one with part no. 37820-P36-003. My beat already change the new one and become ok. The ecu i think have they own live span. So, a lot of beat facing this ecu problem.
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