View Full Version : Beat RPM Restriction

14-04-2004, 08:19 AM

I still have problem with my beat rpm restriction. Its rpm restrict to 7000 rpm. Also the fuel consumption is not good. I also feel the speed meter show wrong reading. Thanks.


Paul w
16-04-2004, 07:06 PM
Nice to see you back, man!

Long time no see!!

Can't help, think ade has same problem still!


19-04-2004, 05:23 PM
On my CRX the ECU flashes an error code - could it be the same for a Beat? (just an idea)

19-04-2004, 08:17 PM

Unfortunately nope... well yes you can flash codes but no, none are stored...

I've still got a couple of ideas to try but since it's still running ok (other than the restriction...) it's not really a priority at the moment.

if/when I get it sorted, I'll let everyone know.


26-04-2004, 10:21 AM
What happens at 7000 RPM. Does it just go a far as that and it just won't rev anymore or does it cut you off at 7000 RPM?

I can't belive you guys still haven't repaired this. I remember something about Adrian swapping ECU's and the problem was still there. Am I right?

So if its not the ECU then there can only be so many things wrong with it. e.g. sensors or some physical damage(like a faulty mechanical part). Its propably something silly.

On the crx whats the code that is comming up?

26-04-2004, 04:32 PM
Its dont go above 7000 rpm. I dont know what maybe the problem.

26-04-2004, 05:22 PM
CRX fault was something weird - stoped VTEC working...

Paul w
26-04-2004, 07:24 PM
Wasn't no Vtec a low oil issue quite often?