View Full Version : Top Mod under £5!

12-04-2004, 11:15 PM
Hi All,

I decided to put some extra ground wires on my beat the other day.. and what a difference they made! I bought some wire and connectors from Maplin which set me back about 8 euro for some nice red ones (also available in black) and away I went, the first lead went from the battery to the intake manifold, the second went from there to the rocker cover and the third went from their to the body. When I was finished I turned over the engine and you could hear the difference in how the engine turned over, as for increasing power im not sure but its worth giving it a go.
Pictures to follow :D

13-04-2004, 06:09 AM
You going to be putting some kits together then???

Sounds like a good idea.


14-04-2004, 11:24 PM
Hi Adrian,

Its just a matter of droping into maplin and buying the wire and connectors, since no real making goes into them it prob wont be making necessary to make a kit. Ill see about a pic when i find my camera! :rolleyes:

15-04-2004, 01:09 PM
If anyone needs full earthing kits for K cars I can get them from the local autoshops over here for 2600 yen, gold/brass? plated conncectors and all....very flashy! 4 or 45 points I think
