View Full Version : Rear Brake Pads

12-04-2004, 01:20 PM
Me again,

Well Easter has been a Honda Beat weekend. I noticed during servicing my car the rear pads were low. How then do you go about fitting rear brake pads? Is it the same as fitting the front?


Jason :)

12-04-2004, 08:01 PM
The rear calipers are held on in a similiar way to the front, but its not just a case of pushing the piston back to make room for the new pads, it has to be wound back in clockwise and then aligned with the peg on the back of the inner pad.

once all in, slacked off the handbrake adjust inside the car and press the brake pedal a couple of time quite hard to set the handbrake and the readjust the cable


12-04-2004, 09:41 PM
Thanks Steve,

Just a few more questions. With the handbrake, I will need to remove the centre trim and slacken the two cables attached to the handbrake. When adjusting this how many notches? I'm assuming that the handbrake is adjusted the same time the pads are fitted.

I noticed in the manual they use a tool with a cross on the face of it. Is this necessary, if so is there a generic one available?



PS Is the left cable on the handbrake for the left rear caliper? I know this may sound silly but I had a Saab (HATE THESE CARS) and it was for the right.

14-04-2004, 11:19 AM
Hey Gang,

Well it was 32C today and I fitted the rear brake pads in the car port. Talk about warm. I was really happy with how it went. If anyone is interested Bendix DB1163 are the correct fit. Thanks for the tips Steve.

