View Full Version : Radio Issues

12-04-2004, 10:03 AM
Hey Gang,

I have been working on my sister's car again. For some odd reason the previous owner had removed the original radio. I have since put it back in the car but the volume seems to be very low. I can adjust the volume visually but the sound remain very faint. Any thoughts.


12-04-2004, 12:29 PM
Hi Jason,

First thing I would suggest is to swap the stereos over with your one and see what the volume does...

That way it should be easy to work out if it's a stereo problem or a speaker one... Try hers in yours also...

If it's a speaker one then they come up on Yahoo Japan fairly often so replacements shouldn't be too hard to come accross.

Other than that, it might be a wiring problem.

Hope this helps


12-04-2004, 01:25 PM
Thanks Adrian,

I thought of doing that, but the one twist is the volume remains the same; faint. Are the speakers an unusaul size? Do they have tweaters?


Jason :)

12-04-2004, 07:57 PM
Its quite common for the Amp part of the radio to fail on Beat Original units.

Speakers can quite easyly be replaced with aftermarket speakers, depending what unit you have 120W/40W would depend on the type of speaker you would want (e.g 2 way/3 way etc)


12-04-2004, 09:44 PM
Hey Steve,

I have made a couple of simple amps in electronic kits. Is there a partiular part of the circuit board I should look at?

