View Full Version : Refueling

03-04-2004, 11:20 AM
Well my sister has seen the light and bought herself a Beat. She has asked me to look it over for her. There are a few things that I have noted that need fixing. The first thing is the fuel intlet. There seems to be a piece of metal in the throat of it. Is this normal. I have looked at mine and I don't have one. Can I remove it?



03-04-2004, 02:53 PM
Hi Jason,

All that should be is a restrictor to stop you filling up with the wrong fuel...

Over here in the UK, the unleaded nozzels are smaller than the leaded and diesel ones...

I think fitting them is part of the importing rules although my FTO doesn't have one but I know it should...

So yep, if you can get it out, it shouldn't be a problem as far as I know.


03-04-2004, 10:18 PM
Thanks Ade,

The nozzles on unleaded and unleaded are different here in Australia as well. There seems to be a piece of steel running right through the middle of the throat. Is is easy to remove?

