View Full Version : Check Your Distributer

23-03-2004, 10:33 PM
All beat owners be warned CHECK YOUR DISTRIBUTER official Honda info I got regarding beat distributers warn to check the distributor lot number:

If lot number if its lot no. 3828 or higher it’s "safe"

If it’s 3827 or lower it should be inspected for play if play is observed it should be replaced

This info seems to be INCORRECT. I personally know two beats with sized distributors both with apparently "safe distributors"

Just thought id bring it to the attention to forum. Ill post up Hondas service info on the subject as soon as I can get my hands on a scanner, the info been translated into English and shows you how to remove, inspect and refit the dizzy

Keep on beatin!

23-03-2004, 10:45 PM
Distributor bearing failure is not just a Beat thing, quite a few other Honda models also suffer from the inner distributor bearing becoming dry and coming apart/ seizing.

The serial/batch no. originally came from items in Japan involving some sort of recall, now whether this is true or not, it may be as Honda UK took some notice, and actually paid for a few distributors to be replaced, before they stopped it, saying that Honda Japan was not paying them.

Any sort of roughness in the turning of the distributor shaft or signs of brown dust in the distributor cap, spell signs of distributor failure.

23-03-2004, 11:44 PM
Yep it was defo an official Honda recall, the guy in Universal Honda Ireland received the recall info directly from their counterparts Japan. I had my distributor taken apart and apparently it contained a particular type of baring (it was called C4 I think, I could be wrong- it was a while ago) the guy who had a look at it goes around reconditioning Honda Civic distributors he replaces the (C4 baring?) with a new version of the baring which isn’t pone to seizing.

According to the Honda Service info I received, if your car has been checked for the fault by Honda your car will have a mark on one of the screws on the drivers side door catch. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to this however, as mine was marked but had a faulty distributor.

Ill post it up the Honda info ASAP.

24-03-2004, 01:17 AM
My distributor number is 7726 and it was inspected in Japan. But it still failed me. I put a brand new one in but it looks like there might more problems as the compression doesn't seem to be right.