View Full Version : Dizzy

22-03-2004, 11:57 PM
I moved the car this morning, left it and when I got back in it later it wouldn't start. It was making a funny sound like something snapped inside. I took the rocker cover off and it turned out to be the dizzy hed seized. I havent checked the camshaft cog but the timing belt seems fine. That was propably the reason for low ideling. I feel lucky that it wasn't in a middle of reving the hell out of it.

That was close I nearly needed that engine Steve.

My dizzy was changed by Honda Japan so I'm a little puzzled by all this. It shouldn't really fail. Just a warning for anyone who thinks that the dizzy is fine just cause its the right batch.

23-03-2004, 06:05 AM
PHEW... That was a close one adam...

If it's only the dizy, I still have my old one somewhere if you want something to borrow whilst you get a replacement...

It's an old batch one but I lent it to John (I think) whilst he was waiting for his to arrive.


23-03-2004, 06:54 AM
Hi Adam

Yeah you were dead lucky alright! i dug that spare new dizzy out the shed so its here for you when you need it. I found my old cam shaft too so if you wanted to you could plug that cog back onto it and swap the fixed shaft into yours.. i think paul w is the man to talk to if your thinking of doin that (as hes managed to fix one before)

Paul w
23-03-2004, 10:17 AM
I have a spare dizzy too! not sure wether its a duff one or not, but it seems to spin freely enough. With regards to the cam cog, i got my father to put a V grove in the cam, and the same in the cog inner edge, giving a square hole into which we tapped a square peg!

Seems fine so far, but part of me wishes i'd got a new cam, just for peace of mind.


23-03-2004, 10:28 AM
Thanks for all the offers guys I'll get the one of Micheal since he is closer but I wont be buying a new camshaft.

I spend more money on the car then myself. It will be a fix job all the way. But yeh I got really lucky I hope. I haven't time yet to have a good look at it. But you never know, there might be more.

24-03-2004, 07:58 PM
I have the car back on the road thanks to Micheal. It was just the dizzy. I can't belive that there wasn't more damage. I was really lucky.

24-03-2004, 08:04 PM
Excelent news Adam,

Glad your back on the road again nice and quickly.
