View Full Version : Antenna Questions

Tamsin Nunley
21-03-2004, 03:55 PM
Hi Folks,

As some of you may remember, i snapped my antenna off on a tree a while ago, what with my wonderful driving, and all! :p

But the reception was less than perfect anyway, and, since a radio expander is already fitted, Oz suggested an earthing kit.

Oz, i was wondering how you are getting on with the one you were planning to install?

Was also wondering, if the radio reception's going to be a bit crap anyway, (and I'm not missing the radio all that much, to be honest) whether to say to hell with it and get one of these completely impractical stumpy ones that usually go on customized Smart Cars ...Yep, i hear all you Beat-Purists gasping with horror at such an idea, but i think they're sort of cute! :o)

Looking through the posts on antennas i'm finding it difficult to understand whether one of these would actually fit anyway (the Smart guy says they come with several adaptors which he assumes makes them 'universal', but they definitely look like they point in a different direction for a start, and am i right in understanding that the Beat antenna is not a 'universal' part anyway...?)

Also, cos i'm none too nifty with the old technical stuff, who i should get to fit one for me - my mechanic, presumably?

Has anyone got any general comments on how they find their radios, and/or any unusual antennas they may have fitted?


21-03-2004, 05:31 PM
Hi Tamsin

I had the same sort of problem, the local kids snapped mine off.

I checked with Honda and you can only but the original one in the kit with the stereo and speakers (no longer available).

The other issue you metioned is that a universal one's you car get from a car spares are a bit nasty and the angle that they fit as you said is not the right angle.

The way around I have done it is-

Remove the broken part of antenna from the ariel housing.

I have made an adapter that fits inside were the old antenna fitted & got a brandnew S2000 short rubber antenna, fitted into the hoemade adapter. (the adapter is small 30mm long, 8mm dia)

Looks cool :D

21-03-2004, 05:32 PM
adapter fitted

21-03-2004, 05:34 PM
S2000 antenna fitted

21-03-2004, 08:23 PM
Hi Tasmin, I remember your thread but don't know if I posted the solution I made.

I found a boosted windscreen antenna with an earth bond in Halfords of all places. The reception is not crystal but it's not too bad. It fits nicely on the windscreen above the mirror and all the cable (power lead and areal cable) can be neatly and easily put behind the plastic windscreen surround facia.

Tamsin Nunley
31-03-2004, 07:42 PM
Tim and Spence - thanks for your replies.

Tim - I've no idea what this boosted windscreen antenna is! Looked on Halfords website and couldn't find it. :confused: Sounds like a pretty good solution though.... Don't suppose you have a picture...?

Spence - that S2000 ariel looks neat! I just found one on an American website, and they look to be only about a tenner -is that correct? (oh crap! Just read the small-print, and it says they usually retail for nearer £40...!)

But this custom adapter... how did you make it? Could something similar be bought?
Could it be bought off you, for that matter, since you seem to know how to make one!? :)

Cheers again, guys!

31-03-2004, 08:33 PM
The adaptor looks like one you can buy on the Jap auctions.

Hopefully Oz would be able to pick you one up, I'll have a look later to see if I can spot one.

You shoud also be able to get the antena bit from there at the same time

Hope this helps


31-03-2004, 10:37 PM
I got OZ to bid on an adapter and an aerial (thanks OZ) i think they go for in around 4000-5000 yen for both the aerial and the adpater

31-03-2004, 11:08 PM

Yes I looked on the auctions and asked Oz.

It would have worked out nearly £20 just for the adapter, and around £25 for the S2000 antenna, So I coppied the adapter on the auction and made my own!:) .

I ordered the S2000 antenna from Honda Uk. £25 there abouts!

It took about half an hour to fit, coz you have to remove the air inlet pipes and left hand side air intake to get to the antenna.

Remove the drain plug off the bottom of the antenna body to pull out the broken arial.

Then replace including fitting the new adapter to screw the S2000 arial into.

I will work out if I can make the adapter at a fair price.
stainless steel of course!!!!!!

Cheers Spence:D

01-04-2004, 12:57 PM
Hi i found these going cheap enough on Yahoo

The Kit is Here at


4500 Yen (£23 GBP)

The adapter is here


500 yen (£2.60 GBP)


1500 Yen (£7.80 GBP)

04-04-2004, 10:37 AM

I pop out to the car this morning to find some nice person has trashed my aeriel...:explode:

So it looks like I'll be needing something soon also.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately, mine wasn't a std beat one so the adaptor trick won't work unless I can find an old beat aeriel to start with.

I might look into the electric aeriel idea again.


04-04-2004, 09:08 PM
Sorry to hear about that Adrian I know how it feels.. It happened to me 3 times! Theres been a terrible increase in car crime around my area recently, my other car has been broken into twice in the last two weeks!

The cars going to be resprayed later on this year ive been thinking about filling the hole altogether and using an internal one. Let us know how you get on with the electric one its a good idea


06-04-2004, 08:32 PM
Hi all,

Adrian, this may help you, maybe someone else who fancy's an elactric antenna so that those Jealous one's can't break it again.

This guy's mods are mad, check his work out !!!!! :bounce:

He is saying that he is using a Integra antenna (Jap Model), but I recon a 87- 92 Prelude one may fit too.(British Model)

Use Yaphoo to make any sense of it all!!!!

Web site


For the antenna mod


Hope this helps.
