View Full Version : speedo conversion

19-03-2004, 10:36 PM
does any one i 've it is possibel to change the speedometer
up about 6000 km.
my car has onlt 1100 km on it and for getting it registert i want to put it above 6000 km so that i don't have to pay income tax.
cars belowe 6000 km are considert new and have to pay 15 % income tax on the new prize of the car.

good hondaring greatings from
the dutch beat driver

20-03-2004, 07:52 AM
easiest way would be buy another speedo head with more miles on it and clock it down.when clocking speedo head they never the same again may look ok for thousands of miles but they will always go wobbly on numbers at some stage .

Paul w
20-03-2004, 12:23 PM
Ozsamuri has one i think!


21-03-2004, 08:31 PM
Just tell the RDW office you had a new speedo head put on and the milage is 30,000 +. Where are you in Holland?

21-03-2004, 09:24 PM
i,m in the north west part of holland.
but the registration test will be done in luxemburg because the don,t accept the car here in holland.
so when it is possibel to get the test done , i probelly have to confert the speedo.
there is also a possibilety that the accep the car as it is now but have to get that in writing first.

have convert a speedo for my honda s800 but that was easy and just want to know howe the construction of the the beat works.
can also try to wind it up whit a electric drill.

21-03-2004, 10:16 PM
I worked in Heerlen for 2 years and spent most of it arguing with the RDW over one thing or another so best of luck.

22-03-2004, 01:00 AM
I never tried it but I think you can take the speedo right apart and physically move the wheel.

22-03-2004, 02:43 AM
Unlike modern speedometers with break-off plastic parts on the numbers if they are tampered with, the Beat speedo is wound forward or backwards with relative ease if it is absolutely essential to do so, this of course is illegal in most countries so if you need to know how, I will tell you in email only and not post to the boards. One point also to mention is that even if you do clock back/forward the speedo, the ECU will still keep a record of the actual vehicle distance in its log, so if it goes across a Honda tester at any stage it will be discovered if it had been wound back. SO...its Not advisable but possible. I have a replacement meter on the auctions at the moment if that is of any interest to you from the wrecker.

