View Full Version : No.1 cylinder sensor

18-03-2004, 05:56 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone have a No.1 cylinder sensor? Also called a crank angle sensor.

My old Beat has been sat collecting dust in a garage for nearly a year, whilst the mechanic working on the car and Honda have been trying to diagnose the problem via phone calls and faxes.

Honda UK say they cannot obtain this part as it is no longer made.

Any help is much appreciated.


18-03-2004, 06:06 PM
Hi Dion,

SteveM I think got me one last year (well he fitted it anyway...), so hopefully he will be able to help. Otherwise Oz is back from holiday in a few days so he might be able to get you one from Japan.

I bet you miss the Beat after being without it for almost a year...

Hope your back on the road again soon


18-03-2004, 06:51 PM

A Cylinder sensor (TDC, No1) is still available.

It would go back order thou via Honda UK @ £98.05 inc


19-03-2004, 12:41 AM
I had that problem but it ended up that the timing was off and the car war giving the wrong code.

Andy V
19-03-2004, 08:05 AM

If it's just the check lights warning of a problem with the cylinder sensor then ask them to check the tuning first, might save a lot of delay.

When we first got our Beat we had the same problem (see also Adam's response) and it was eventually confirmed as the timing being a bit out. Since the timing was done ours has been fine.

There's a number of threads on here about the No.1 Cylinder Sensor warning code and timing.

Pity the folks trying to put ours right (after-sales at a dealer) didn't check the timing first as per the recommendations I passed on from those here - but I don't think the message got through to the mechanic and electrician from the 'sales' fella we were dealing with. Took 'em two months to reach the same conclusion themselves!
