View Full Version : FAO Oz

15-03-2004, 02:11 PM
Hey Oz, can you give some input on this item please?


Paul w
15-03-2004, 02:36 PM
My japanese aint too bad....let me see..........

It is the brand-new seat cover of HONDA beat. The material the luxury car çq is the business vinyl leather." The 10mm urethane it is attached and "with also sunburn measure sits down and also feel is perfect. Being finished in the ƒCƒC feeling, it increases. The seat belt holder just is removed in anyone can make installing simple. More desired one please. Bid -> it becomes successful bid. The commodity is set sale of the driver's seat and the suicide seat. Successful bid price is price of the driver's seat. 1 unit (the driver's seat and the suicide seat) to pay the amount which it receives reaches 38000 Yen. Consumer tax, the postage entirely it is being packed.

(good old babel fish!)


15-03-2004, 02:42 PM
thanks paul, babel fish makes so much sense. So i take it the final bid price is doubled to get both seats? quite a good looking finish i think.
all be it a bit pointless at the moment as i sold my beat a month ago. i was just looking for the future.

Andy V
15-03-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Paul w

The commodity is set sale of the driver's seat and the suicide seat. (good old babel fish!)

The suicide seat? Never thought of it that way before. But then again..... :p

Indeed, good old babel fish :D