View Full Version : Replacement Dials
Paul w
10-02-2004, 01:02 PM
I've been speaking to a company called lockwoods, and they make dial inserts. They have quoted a price of around £28+vat to do a pair of dials faces, 1 for the speedo in MPH (in white) and one for the fuel gauge in white. I would need a run of 20 sets to make it this price, otherwise for 10 it would be around £48
They would end up looking like Nuna's dials
The company sprays the back of the dials to balance the illumination, and from what i can tell, they would do a good job!
Isn't it time to get rid of those stickers????
Let me know if you are seriously interested
Paul w
12-02-2004, 04:23 PM
That price is for all three dials, and a choice of colours!
Come on folks, thats a bargain!
12-02-2004, 07:04 PM
Now you mention a choice of colours I'll have a set...
I was considering having a set of white ones anyway, just to loose the black fuel gauge but if I can have a set in yellow or blue (I know, what a surprise...:rolleyes: ) then I'll definitely be up for a set...
Come on then, anyone else going to give them a go???
Paul w
12-02-2004, 07:14 PM
I quite like the blue myself!
Oz- is there a market for these in Japan? (in colours and KM) as most the work seems to be in the cutting of the templates
12-02-2004, 07:22 PM
To be honest Paul, if I can have my set still in KM then i'd prefer it, hopefully OZ will agree about them being popular in Japan especially with the cost of them over there...
I know that it would be more usefull in miles but the trip etc still works in KM I think it would be nice to keep everything as it should be (ish).
Paul w
12-02-2004, 08:45 PM
I guess you know your 5/8ths table better than me then!
Acutally, theres no reason they couldnt have both on them......
KPH primary, MPH secondary then flog them on Japhoo?
12-02-2004, 08:58 PM
Now thats an excelent idea Paul....
I'm sure they cound manage to make then with both scales on.
If we still have Kph on the outside, it still would look like the cars go twice as fast as they really can because most people forget that it's not in Mph.
Put my name down for a set anyway but if they could do mine with the following sort of specs then it would be excelent...
Blue face with Yellow numbers
Yellow face with Blue numbers
with dual scale KPH outer MPH inner.
Don't want a lot do I...;)
12-02-2004, 10:33 PM
Yes, I'm up for a set.
Not sure on the Yellow or keep the white though!!!
There is another way!
Get them made with both MPH & KPH and get a speed sensor off a
1992 Civic, Accord (3 Wire), just plug it to your exsisting wiring and
hay presto you beat reads MPH on the trip and milometer.
It basically sends a slower pulse to the speedo.
I found that most breakers yards sell them for around £10
This is all the garages do to all the other imports in the uk to convert their dials.
Cheers Spence :D
12-02-2004, 10:43 PM
I would convert it spence but with 110,000km showing already, I think it's a bit late to convert it...
Handy bit of info to know though...
Paul w
12-02-2004, 11:44 PM
Ok, so we have KPH on the outside and MPH on the inside and maybe some bold dots for the important uk speeds? 30, 40, 70?
Originally posted by Paul w
Ok, so we have KPH on the outside and MPH on the inside and maybe some bold dots for the important uk speeds? 30, 40, 70?
Hi Paul,
I'd love a set like this - the thing that was putting me off was that people would look at the clock, see 112,000 and think miles :eek:
How big/small a job is it to replace the existing dials - anyone know?
Cheers Guys,
13-02-2004, 06:31 PM
Hi Dave,
Not sure about the faces, but I do know the instrument pannel comes apart quite easily.
I'm sure they will be quite easy to fit though, most lockwood dials are.
13-02-2004, 08:12 PM
It all depends if you can remove the needles with out destorying the gauge it self, it can obviously be done as Nuna's has been and some have feels dials, its just done with care.
13-02-2004, 09:19 PM
If the centre caps of the dials come off then it should be easy as the rest of the lockwood range now are what they call easyfit...
You basically cut the old face in half to remove it,
Then you slip a sticky cover around the needle base so that the light doesn't shine through where it's not wanted,
Then the new dial face is carefully slipped over the needle and secured using the tape provided,
The centre cap is then replaces as required.
Hopefully this will be how ours are done as it means none of the needles are disturbed.
I've got a rev counter left over from when I bought my Calibra a set of Lockwood ones, if you want to look at the quality then drop me your address and I'll post it to you.
27-04-2004, 12:51 AM
any sign of these yet ?????
Paul w
27-04-2004, 11:20 AM
Just waiting for some 'spare' cash so i can get the first set done.
Anyone got a spare instrument cluster?
Paul w
30-04-2004, 02:30 PM
I'm going to try and take my cluster to bits this weekend and send it off. Weather looks crap anyway!
Does anyone have the pin out of the cluster cable? I need to know the illumination wiring.
I'm going to ask for the revs to go up to 11k by the way, for the chippers.....
redzone will still start in the same place though, dont want to encourage people!
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