View Full Version : Beat Wanted for Magazine Feature

05-02-2004, 10:28 PM
I'm wondering if someone would mind volunteering!?!

The magazine is 'Honda Revolutions' which has a circulation of nearly 3000 (inc. Honda dealers) and more specifically is sent directly to Honda enthusiasts throughout the UK, Europe and even as far as Japan!

We're looking to do a feature on the Beat for the next Edition due out late in March and wondered if anyone here fancies seeing their pride and joy in print?

Ideally the car would be in VGC and perhaps have modifications or a story to tell .....

We're based in York so cars closer to us would be preferable to keep journey times to a minimum!! (OK, I know theres not that many in the UK so we're going to have to travel!!!)

Hope someone can help!!!


PS Please email me on phil@hondarevolutions.com

06-02-2004, 06:07 PM
Emailed today.

06-02-2004, 09:03 PM
I know it is a little premature but can how do I get my hands on a copy! :)

07-02-2004, 02:54 PM
Copies are sent to all members of the Club Honda Revolutions. This feature is for the 1st issue in the new club year which runs from 1st April to 31st March each year.

If you wish to join the club please visit the website but don't join yet, wait until March when the full year option becomes available (currently it is the half year subs online).

More details are on the website www.hondarevolutions.com

Apologies if this is deemed advertising and not allowed, please feel free to remove this post if it breaks the forum ettiquette - however this is how you get hold of the magazine as it is not currently available apart from by subscription (Club Membership)

We do hope that the feature in the mag could help raise the profile of the Beat and will certainly mention the forum in the feature.

10-02-2004, 09:20 AM
After emailing Phil on saturday I was quite surprised because I hadn't had a reply before I went home from work. Well, I got a phone call sunday morning about 10am from Phillip saying could they do the photo shoot now! ...so I jumped out of bed, sponge in one hand, leather in other, dragged the kids out to help as it was scruffy. After running around like a loon-ball for an hour we waited for them to show and it was freezing.
They turned up at about 11.30ish all ready for action. We decided a better location was needed as there were a few kids gathering hoping to get in on the act.
Anyway we just drove around the back of the cul-de-sac where I live and after dodging a few tractors and 4wd's we settled down to a productive but freezing shoot. Still got to write the narrative to go with the shots yet but should get it done today.
Looking foreward to the mag. - looks like will have to join to get hold of a copy, but considering the content , should be useful.
I'd like to thank Phil and the team for freezing in the name of art and err... sorry about the cuppa that never happened, we got locked out of the house 'cos I didn't have my keys, oops!

10-02-2004, 12:41 PM
Big Thanks to everyone who has been in touch about the feature,(it's much appreciated!) especially to Gary who got his Beat 'camera ready' at VERY short notice on Sunday morning!!!

The feature is looking like 4 pages worth and will be included in the next edition as planned!

Hopefully I can do the car justice and give it a great write up!

