View Full Version : Accelarator

01-02-2004, 09:36 PM
I have noticed my accelarator is stiff. How do I go about fixing this?

01-02-2004, 09:41 PM
Hi Jason,

I would guess that it's either the mounting that the pedal runs on or more likely the cable is starting to seize up...

Best way to find out which would be to carefully undo the cable from the pedal and see how free it moves once it's removed, I would guess that it will move quite freely and that it's the cable that will need replacing.

Hopefully Oz will be able to provide whichever part you need

Hope this helps


02-02-2004, 12:45 AM

I agree with Adrian, first I'd be throwing some 5-56 up there to make sure the 'dust bunnies' are out of the way. If you want to remove the cable, giving it a bath in Kerosene will also give it a nice flush out, if that all fails you may find the cable thread bear in which case its a replacement job, I have one of the wrecker or can order new for you if you need..

