View Full Version : Paint Woes

Tamsin Nunley
15-01-2004, 11:07 AM
*hangs head in shame*

Accidentally scrapped the Captain along our garden wall on our way out of the drive this morning.

While the panel isn't dented, I have taken the paint 'down to the bone', and was just wondering what I could do as a half-decent patch-up job till such a time as he needs a complete re-spray...? Am also worried about rust...

*smacks self on head*

And here's another thing...has anyone ever heard of these folks..?

Chris Monaghan and Martin Dix,
Intech GB Ltd,
Unit 12B, Thruxton Industrial Estate,
Thruxton Circuit,
near Andover, Hants,

tel: 01264 773888.

(Service and repair specialists for Japanese 'grey' imports, from Honda Beat to Lexus 'Soarer' Coupe.)

Stumbled across the link on the internet and wondered if anyone knows if they're reliable?


15-01-2004, 02:11 PM
Hey Gary,

You could just respray that panel. They have a thing called a touch up spray gun. Which is for jobs like that. Or you could get the paint matched and put into a spray can, mask the area off and sand it down with really fine paper e.g. 1000,2000 and attempt to do it yourself.

If there is lacquer involved it’s a little trickier as you have to do the whole panel. Otherwise it will look sh!t.

Good luck

Tamsin Nunley
15-01-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks Adam!

(who,s 'gary', though..? :p )

16-01-2004, 12:54 AM
Sorry Paul and I was writing an e-mail at the time

Paul w
16-01-2004, 10:49 AM
That wasn't what i edited!


16-01-2004, 10:47 PM