View Full Version : Mugen Beat!
Given this opportunity last year when I was plodding along in a Micra, I would jump at the chance.
A year on with 2 Beats and a new toy on its way. As much as I wish, I cannot bid on the below vehicle and can only hope that someone on this forum may want it so that I can see it at a club meet! :)
I've been browsing the Jap auctions for a while now and very very rarely are Mugen Spec Beats are for sale.
The below Mugen Beat is going through Thursday night (Friday Morning Jap Time.) If anyone is interested or may know who's been wanting a Beat then let me know and I can bid on your behalf.
Car is without a scratch, with 59000 km's on the clock and is lowered. Interior is clean too.
I can sort out the shipping and getting it on the road here.
Many other Beat's and if anyone is interested, almost any Jap car is available for cheap's from the auction there.
On another note, if anyone is interested in OZ's Beat and are being put off with it being in Japan, I can sort out the shipping and getting it on the road here with that too.
23-01-2004, 12:34 AM
Hey Fahd
Any chance you would be able to source a Subaru Vivio RXR Turbo 4WD?
I have tried all the usual places both in scotland and england and no one seems to be able to help.
There arent many cars I would sell Zippy for but if one of these came up I dont think id be able to refuse.
Any info with regard to price etc would be most appretiated.
Thanks in advance
Hi Ouija,
Theres 2 of the RXR 4WD going through the auctions tomorrow. Many GX-R 4WD available too. I dont know the differences between them.
Attached picture are the two rxr's going through tomorrow. One is 1994 the other is 1998. I will let you know how much they sell for.
23-01-2004, 01:41 AM
i am interested in owning a Beat, I have sent a couple of messages out to some members in this forum about their selling-Beat. Then I saw your message on importing them, I am new to all these buying car stuff, so hope you lot can sort me out some info.
I am willing to spend 2000-3000 on a low milleage good condition Beat (Pref. Yellow), is that possible on importing them.
What are the procedures on doing so? if you can let me know step by step what I need to do, then I can have some more ideas on the subject.
I am still in an early stage in buying one cos I still own my civic coupe now, so I will still need to sell mine before I have some cash for the new Beat. So now is much more like doing some preperation work before hand.
Hope you can help.
Hi Mathis,
Yes indeed it is possible to import a beat from Japan. Yellow beats area plentiful available.
The steps include:
1) Choosing the car in Japan.
2) Having it deregistered, customs cleared and sent to port for shipping.
3) Customs clearance when receiving the car at this end at the port. Shipping takes around 35 days.
4) Carrying out MOT and if needed a SVA.
5) Send documents to DVLA for registration.
6) Placing your given number plate and cruising in the Beat (after purchasing road tax ovcourse!)
The full process takes around 7 weeks, but generally you'd be left with a looked after beat with low miles.
You should easily be able to acquire a beat with your budget.
23-01-2004, 01:55 AM
Thanks for the quick reply!!!
So where can I start looking?
I keep a look out at the auctions and let you know a day before the auction. What cars are going through. Describe the car to you and you give me your best bid. I then bid on your behalf.
The below cars are going through the auction today.
23-01-2004, 02:22 AM
I dont think ill be able to afford one but could you let us know if a Mazda AZ1 goes through the auctions and how much it goes for?
Hi Ouija,
There's 3 AZ-1's today. A decent one will cost you approx around £4700-4900 on the road.
23-01-2004, 03:01 AM
When you say on the road, what do you mean exactly???
Do you work for a company that imports them and registers them etc???
If that silver one could be had on the road for under 5K then im going to have to speak very nicely to the wife!!
The AZ1 has always been my dream car but you just cant get them here for some reason!
Thanks for the info
23-01-2004, 03:10 AM
how much did those beat ended up in the auction? so I have some idea on the variation of prices.
Hi Ouija,
The silver AZ-1 had only 1400 miles on the clock since new! Unbeliveable. Its just been sold for approx £7300 on the road.
When I say on the road, I mean that once the car arrives here I will have it Mot'd, SVA'd, Registered and taxed for you. All you do is come and pick it up or can arrange delivery.
I'm a student by trade but have a serious passion for cars and also paying off my student debt! :suicide:
An Az-1 with around 30000 miles will fit around the under 5k budget.
So far the beat with yellow alloys has gone through the auction. That would have worked out to around £2600 on the road.
23-01-2004, 04:25 AM
hey fahd
how can i seperate the differences in Mugen Beat and Normal Beat. Engine size, BHP different?
i know that it is 656cc and 0-60mph in 10sec, right? but what's the top speed? would a Mugen Beat do better? and the price would be around how much for the Mugen version?
sorry for so many questions.
Hi Mathias,
I must tell you. I am no where near experienced as many of the guys on this group.
A mugen beat is same specification just has the Mugen bodykit. Same performance is achieved.
Top speed on the Beat is said to be around 105mph but they are restricted to around 85mph.
Muge beats would probably be atleasy around £700 more if the full bodykit is on. It is mainly the brand you are paying for. For example the Mugen beat at the top of this thread was sold for £3700.
23-01-2004, 06:33 AM
Any prices for the little Scoobys?
hmmm.... scooby??? :confused: :confused:
Paul w
23-01-2004, 06:26 PM
Awww now i want an AZ-1!! especially that blue one!
Anyone got the spec on them? 0-60 etc, handling?
Any interior shots?
(i think scooby is 'street talk' for subaru! :0)
23-01-2004, 07:16 PM
hey fahd,
what do you mean by restricted to 85mph? it would cut petrol at 85 or what?
thanks again
23-01-2004, 07:44 PM
Hi Mathis,
The Beat is limited to a top speed of 87mph (140Kph) and the speedo only has numbers that go up to that figure, Although it is meant to be able to hit over 100mph if the limiter is by-passed
You can't get an AZ-1... you haven't even got your new Beat on the road yet.....
I think Ouija was meaning the Subaru Vivio RXR Turbo 4WD that he asked about earlier.
Ok, Scooby = Sub's. Thanks for that Paul, Adrian :p
Both the vivio's. The one with red alloys would have worked out to around £3000 on the road.
The 1998 went for much more, that would have been around £5500.
The GXR's are a lot cheaper. In some cases almost 1/3 less than a RXR.
The blue AZ-1 would have worked out to around £4300 on the road.
Paul w
23-01-2004, 09:01 PM
Soooon, very sooooon!
(this weekend with luck, just ready for the snow!)
The new roof is on, and its all back in 1 piece!
BTW, when do you want your beat bits? (and wheels)
Fahd - what is the performance like of the RXRs and their little brothers? I dont know much about them
23-01-2004, 09:39 PM
Good news that Paul,
As for my bits, If you let me know when you're about this way (and have room for them...) then I'll pop along the A14 to meet you again. (Pref not a Mon or a Fri though)
As for alternative cars, I was quite tempted by a Suzuki Alto Rs-R (4x4 turbo) whilst I was looking for a replacememnt for my old Calibra but decided against it as I wanted something with a bit more room...
Talk later Paul
23-01-2004, 10:12 PM
thanks adrianp,
i see what you mean now! I am trying to find out more pro/cons about having a Beat, as I have only seem them in stationary form and never seen it in action or driven one. So just want to ask all your owners: is the car good to drive? I mean I currently drive an old shape Civic Coupe (94L) and when I am on the motorway with strong sidewinds, I can feel the car swirf a little (passing lorries, etc). So I wonder with the little Beat, is it stable on the motorway at high speed? As I need to drive long distance occationally due to I live up North but Family's down south. I really would like to test drive one to feel the car instead of now just knowing it has a good look if you know what I mean.
Anyway, just wanna hear some of you speak your feelings about driving them.
23-01-2004, 10:35 PM
Hi Mathis,
I use my beat as a daily driver to work and back as do several other owners, But I do admit to having another car for when I need the extra room...:o
The best sort of driving the Beat loves is the twisty stuff, I suppose the best way to describe it is a road legal Go-Kart... and unless you are pushing it too hard then it sticks to the road quite nicely.
With disc brakes all round, it will probably out brake most things on the road that don't have abs fitted so hitting the brakes hard has been known to catch people out behind you, but they soon learn to drop back a bit...
Driving it long distances can be a bit loud depending on what sort of exhaust system you have fitted (if you hear mine then you will know what I mean...), and what sort of speed you do.
70Mph is approx 6000rpm so it's not going to be whisper quiet like some of the modern cars however you look at it. as for driving in wind etc, as long as you remember that it is a little car then you shouldn't have any problems although it's not untill you drive past a 40 footer with the roof down that you realise just how big they are...:p
As people know, I love mine so am a bit biased I suppose, Hopefully others will give their impressions for you
Hope this helps
23-01-2004, 10:59 PM
Thanks Adrian! Hope more owners can give me their views as I am still a student so owning 2 cars is like out of my question if you know what I mean..... but I see what you mean by owning another car with more space is a good idea.
knowing it does 70 at about 6000rpm, wouldn't that eat petrols quick? how many litres is a full tank? and how many miles can a full tank do? My coupe is about 30Litres full tank and can do about 280miles, hows the Beat compare to that? student needs a more economical one! :p
24-01-2004, 11:36 AM
Hi Fahd,
I dont suspose you seen many beats going through the auctions that have a knackered engine? As im kind of on the lookout for one for a project. If you have seen one do you know how much it went for?
Hi Marcus,
Usually come accross a couple of non runners a week. Will keep a look out for you in future. They still fetch a good price. Around £1300 car price. Plus shipping plus customs etc.
24-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Hi Fahd,
So its looking like £2000 after shipping and customs. I may look around for a cheap one over here and sell the engine on.
Thanks for the help!!
24-01-2004, 12:21 PM
Sorry about the confusion over the term Scooby
Up in scotland if someone refers to a scooby doo
They really mean a Subaru.
Hope that clears it up.
Thanks for the info on both the cars I was curious in.
At least now if i can bribe the wife I know where I can obtain one or the other.
Please keep me updated with any AZ1s and Vivios you come across.
25-01-2004, 08:24 PM
Heyt Fahd,
any idea if Daihatsu Cuore Avanzato TR-XX R4's ever come up through auction over there and what price they would be on the road here?
Hi Robin,
Do you know its Japanese name? It isnt the Daihatsu Mira is it? Also do you have a picture of one?
26-01-2004, 02:34 PM
Sorry i dont know the japanese name. it may well be the mira though, that seems to ring a bell.
One other question. when i sell my beat i will be looking ot replace it within a year. i was just wondering the lowest pirce i could get one imported is? also, do un-modded or modded beats go for the most money?
27-01-2004, 01:23 AM
Do you ever see any Honda Z Turbos going through the auctions?
This was originally the car i wanted before i got a beat.
Only problem with these is that they are all automatics, but they were 4WD too.
Any idea of prices etc would helpful.
Hi Ouija, Robin,
If its Japanese, its available!
Robin, I think the below pictures are the cars you are referring to. These are the Mira. A 1992-1993 could work out to around £2500-£2800. As for Honda Beats. Unmodded ones are usually cheaper than a modded one. A cheap option for a beat could still work out around £2300-2500 on the road.
Ouija, The below pic is a 1999 4WD Automatic. Theres around 20-30 of these available each week. These would roughly work out to around £4500-5500 on the road.
Any other cars you've been long looking for? :P
27-01-2004, 10:17 AM
Thanks for all the info Fahd.
Just a few more questions (sorry). Are AZ1's normally available through auction? how much would a cheap cappuccino be? and can you recommend a nice cheap car to be imported in to the uk? i dont have any real wants apart from it has to be cheap and i mean really cheap to import and get it on the road (but preferably quite cool).
Thanks Fahd
Tamsin Nunley
29-01-2004, 09:33 PM
>>Hope more owners can give me their views as I am still a student so owning 2 cars is like out of my question
Hi Mathis,
I ain't looked back since getting my beat! Impractical as it is, it's amazing what you can actually fit in it when you know there's not much space to play with! And the fun of driving it more than makes up for that!
Gimme a nice summer day, some winding B-roads and WHEEEEEEEEEE!!
Even if I won the lottery i would keep this car! (it might get treated to a new exhaust, tail-light and sound system, tho!
:p )
Getonegetonegetonegetone!! :bounce:
Andy V
29-01-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by mathis
Thanks Adrian! Hope more owners can give me their views
Hello Mathis,
Our Beat isn't used as a daily driver (unlike some / many here).
We drive ours for the fun factor and bought it because it seemed to be a generally affordable (in comparison with others), sporty-looking, fun and unusual car. T'was exactly what Pat was looking for even though we hadn't previously heard of the Honda Beat.
We were told that a previous owner of our Beat wasn't happy as he felt quite intimidated in traffic, particularly among buses and lorries but this isn't an issue for us. We've found road-holding and performance to be just fine.
I haven't properly measured the fuel consumption yet but to fill the tank with Shell Optimax costs about £14 and we have managed to do the 200 miles from Doncaster to North Kent on the one tank-full, but only just and not at 70mph all the way.
In summary, we're very pleased with ours - but of course everyone has different needs and budgets, its a question of weighing up the pro's and con's as they affect you.
The possible con's to consider are insurance (some companies won't insure the Beat as its an import), though Tesco Insurance will be able to give you a quote. Also maintenance and repair could be an issue depending where you live.
You can find some of the things to look out for if buying a Beat elsewhere on this message board.
There's a helpful Beat community spirit here on this message board with friendly folk who can often offer advice and some extra helpful souls who can often supply parts, and there's also an active Official Owners Club too.
Hope that bit of a ramble helps!
Andy & Pat.
31-01-2004, 02:48 AM
thanks everyone! seems like the car is VERY small in term of spaces to put things by the sound of what you lot say........... I seen the car from the outside before when I was back in Hong Kong but never seen the inside of it so never had an idea of the actual space it has. Guess I am on hold of buying one now...... another reason is that since Ouija introduced the Honda Z to me, I am kinda interested too.....
How much they are? engine size? spec? etc..... anyone has more photos of the interior etc? Since i am new to this car..... hop someone let me know more!
Sorry for asking about 1 car and now another..... just that I am very intersted in UK-unusual cars..... especially Japanese ones.
Seldom, actually more like never have I considered a cappuccino over my Beat but this one was very tasty.
Robin, theres atleast around 3-4 AZ-1's a week. A cheap cappu could still land you around £3600-3800.
A nice cheap car. These days the Toyota Celica and FTO's are going for pretty cheap. Under £2800 by the time its on the road.
01-02-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Fahd
A nice cheap car. These days the Toyota Celica and FTO's are going for pretty cheap. Under £2800 by the time its on the road.
An FTO for under £2800....:explode: I hope that would be the 4 cylinder GS model...
Otherwise, that makes mine a bit on the expensive side...
Oh well never mind, I've still got the Beat to play in as well...
Hi Adrian,
Thats a GPX or GR model. Both seem to be around same price. Have you had yours for a while? Its only recently that these have plummeted in price.
01-02-2004, 07:08 PM
Hi Fahd,
I've had my (95-M) GPX for almost a year now, it replaced my old Calibra and to be honest I think it's a great car...
It's an auto but that means I get the tiptronic function which makes slip-roads quite a lot of fun...;)
If/When I decide I fancy something else then I might drop you a line
03-02-2004, 01:16 AM
hey fahd! Just wondering where abouts is the auction you go to? I really would like to come along to have a look if there will be some Beats going through.
03-02-2004, 10:36 PM
Hey folks
With regard to the Honda Z, Oz sent me an email with a none to pleasant description of the car (maybe HE could repeat it for you!)
Basically it was something about the car being on fire!!
Stick with the Beat
So if you're driving a Z you're calling :help:
Paul w
04-02-2004, 03:12 PM
Hey Fahd,
how often are you bringing cars over these days?
Could i hijack a bit of container space for some GRP body panels?
Hi Paul,
Cars are shipped atleast once a month. They're on RORO's not containers. So any space, is whats available in the car.
Have a Celica and MR2 shipped out on the 14th mes think. Not so much space in MR2 but there is in Celica.
E mail me the details please.
05-02-2004, 01:00 PM
Hey Fahd, any good condition Mk 1 MR2's going cheap?
06-02-2004, 03:45 AM
Hi Fahd
Any chance of posting some pics and rough prices for a Toyota Starlet Glanza Turbo.
I am having to look at new cars for driving everyday as i now have to do alot more miles in my beat and to be honest id rather keep him for the weekends and use a more practical car for the everyday stuff (Still has to be quite cool though!)
Thanks in advance.
06-02-2004, 10:12 AM
I think MK1 MR2's date back to about 1988 ish?
Any available in good shape or is it too old?
Paul w
06-02-2004, 11:02 AM
Is it worth me setting up a Fahd's car emporium forum?
(i'm serious!)
hehehe... sorry for the trouble Paul! :p
Paul w
07-02-2004, 12:13 PM
Not a problem!
Thought i'd give you your own space and make you a moderator too!
09-02-2004, 05:36 AM
Hey There Fahd
I dont know exactly what year that the Glanza was first introduced, possibly 1996??
Its the latest shape model I am more interested. Not too keen on the Starlet turbo!
09-02-2004, 09:14 AM
Finally found the thread, sorry to be joining late in the game......
The story of the Honda Z (abridged)
released initially with the same EO7 engine as the Beat but without the advantage of the MTREC throttle body and subsequent power boost, along with its heavier chassis made the Z unable to pull the skin off a rice pudding. it would literally die in the arse on steep inclines, old ladies on bikes could pass them! When this reputation got out, the Z was domestically doomed it seemed, Honda tried to do a turn around with it by throwing in a Turbo, then boosting it to 64Hp, which is what we have now in the Beat......still over weight the Z is still faltering in the market from the bad rep of its initial underpowering. To wit, I wouldn't piss on one to put it out if it was on fire!!!
A word of advice to you all here....I know the prices of the cars on the auctions are very attractive, and I'm sure Fahd has a good source for checking these cars, but you must realize this....
Although they are low mileage, Japanese do not maintain their vehicles as a rule, not alot of people even have a garage, replace it or throw it away after 4-5 yrs is the rule, if no one can move it then a foreigner will buy it! So alot of second hand cars on the dealer auctions have the looks but need serious attention engine and sus wise and some minor to major body work. Buyer should beware!
I'm not trying to put a damper on the party here, but I know what the secondhand car market scene is over here and you can be burnt badly.
I'm sure with my dealings with the newly appointed 'Moderator' this is all in check and it would be advisable to go through someone you know when you're thinking of a few grand to buy a new Beat which could turn into a few thousand more when its finished if you didn't.
Cheers all
Paul w
09-02-2004, 09:22 AM
when you're thinking of a few grand to buy a new Beat which could turn into a few thousand more when its finished if you didn't
That happens over here too Oz....believe me!!
Its like anything, buyer beware, do some research etc
Sorry for the late replies. Down with exams at the moment!
Anyway, Robin. The MR2 AW11 pre 1990 model are available but they seem to be the same price as a 1990 model new shape in some cases. A good MR2 pre 1990 could still land you at around £15-1600 on the road. See pictures.
Ouija, the Toyota Starlet Glanza is 1996. 2 were sold today. Would have worked out to around £46-5000 on the road. See pictures.
When cars are in auction. The auction grading sheet will detail any faults if present and what they specifically are. OZ is right. Some cars are hammered. I remember looking at one trader's website here and he was selling a car on ebay that had just been bought through the auction. On the auction report it stated "engine has oil leak and makes noise and white smoke from exhaust" on the advert it mentioned nothing. Wishfully thinking it was going to be sorted but if it wasnt........
20-02-2004, 01:11 PM
Thanks fahd, So for the same price i could get a mk2 mr2...
mm not sure now. any pics of some cheap mk2's?
Thank you
Billy The Kid
30-03-2004, 04:14 AM
I realise that this is a fairly random question to be asking in the middle of all of this- by the way this forum is cool and been a great souce of info, i love the way you guys all help each other out! The Beat is a VERY cool car- right up my street- small, nippy and fun. I came very close to getting my own!
However... blah blah blah... I currently own a much loved mini (proper one) hope this doesn't annoy anyone!
Fahd, you seem to be very much in the know regarding k cars coming from Japan.. What i would like help with is wheels. Everyone has minilite-type ones, I want to find some thing different for my mini, the choice over here is very limited! I've noticed that some of the daihatsu's have very small wheels. My only real requirements are that they be 12"x5" or 12"x5.5" max. Is anything like this available? Do you think you can help?
30-03-2004, 10:16 AM
Wheels are available through the auction boards, if you find a set you would like I buy them, and Fahd can ship them if he has any cars coming across otherwise it would be a bit prohibitive on cost I think......check out this link for Mini wheels on Japhoo!
you may want to use a translation software package as of course the details are in Japanese.....
Billy The Kid
31-03-2004, 03:50 AM
Thanks for the quick response!
Just checked out Japhoo!- never thought of doing that, found some good stuff on there too. I'm guessing you can buy 12" wheels new in Japan. I did a quick search but didn't get very far. Can you recommend any good sites for me to try?
p.s. Your site is very cool too!
20-04-2004, 05:58 PM
ok now sorry this is my first post and it might seem like a stupid question cause this is the uk forum but it seems to be the most active.
i am only 18 and about to move back to australia my homeland to do further studies. (i currently live in singapore anyone heard of it?) i am seriously interested in owning a honda beat but i have 3 main questions im hoping someone may be able to answer
1. (to fahd he seems to be the one to talk to abt importing)
i know you do inporting into the uk but do you know of anyone or anyway of bringing a beat off the jap auctions into australia?
2. Apart from the beat i also like the mazda az-1 and the 88-89 model subaru combi rex. anyone tell me why i should choose a beat over the others?
3 and lastly what major cons to owning a beat is their that i should know?
thanks alot i hope someone can asnwer some of this
and sorry for the long message
20-04-2004, 11:36 PM
Hey Aaron,
I own a Beat and live in Melbourne although I'm about to move to Adelaide. There are a few Beats floating around here. I can keep an eye out for one if you like. In fact buying one privately that has been here for a bit is preferable as you can establish a history.
As for the Mazda AZ1, I have only seen one in Adelaide. They are a great looking car. I think that you would be better off with a Beat though. Honda reliability, soft top, great support from the people on this board and the ability to source parts far easier that the Mazda.
Hope this helps
PS Who said there were any cons with owning a Beat? :cool:
Hi Aaron,
Welcome to the club.
I can have a Beat sent to any port you like in Australia. However, there is some import legislation in place there at the moment where you have to pay an additional 12000 aussie. If its a used import under 20 years old.
E mail me at and I can reply back to you with the importing guidelines document sent to me by the guys at Cranberra.
21-04-2004, 12:26 PM
Hey Fahd,
Is that $12000 or $1200? I know that Australia is trying to discourage imports as it affects local production. It is a pitty because I have never seen a Holden Commodore that would be a worthy Honda Beat Valve Cap.
Hi Jason,
Yep $12000. The only clear way around it is if you own the car in the country of export for a period of 12 months. People are still importing cars in to Aussie so there has to be another way around this.
21-04-2004, 03:47 PM
thank you very much for your quick responses. it seems i asked a bit prematurely though as i spoke to my parents and i will probably not be moving to sydey till the end of the year:(
i hope to still post as i am very keen on owning a beat.
oh yeah also i was wandering what kind of mileage the beat gets and how big the tank is
22-04-2004, 01:08 PM
ok sorry to bother you again fahd but i was wandering what the cost of a fairly good condition beat, mazda az-1 or a subaru rxr 4wd is in australian dollars without the 12k added on?
thanks again
Mike Mander
06-05-2004, 05:09 PM
Hi Fahd
I am a new member of this forum and I have seen from reading it that you are the person to speak to about importing cars over from Japan.
My girlfriend is looking to buy a Beat, she had the chance to drive one for a day last summer and fell in love with it at first site. She will have about £3000 to spend. Is this a realistic price?
She would also want a set of new alloys, unless the car she chose had good ones on already. Can these be imported at the same time? Or can you get alloys over here that will fit on the Beat? How much does all the importing and getting the car checked out, number plates changed, etc. cost?
How old will the cars be? Did they only do them in a J and K reg equivalent? and what kind of mileage have they done?
Sorry for asking so many questions but I know nothing!!!
And now for other peoples experience.
When you received the Beat what commonly needs changing on it straight away?
Do you recommend any modifications that are not necessary but worthwhile?
What is the paintwork usually like?
She would like a black beat but I dont know if they come in this colour?
How much is a respray on one?
What do you think about the hard top v soft top? is either better or worse?
Many thanks for you time
Hi Mike,
Apologise for the extremely overdue reply.
At around £3000 you would be able to get a stock Honda Beat with some sort of alloy wheels on them. Alloys for the Beat can be sourced on this side however.
The cost varied, dependant on the car price. The customs, VAT etc.. will all be different. What you can budget, is the standard MOT fee, tax, reg fee. Unexpected costs can incur in the form of MOT related repairs.
The Beat started life out in 1991, you could find them even in 1995. However, these are rare. Jap imports are usually of low mileage. The average would be 65000km's.
Generally, nothing needs changing. It is a good idea to check the dist however.
Concerning mods, the funnel change and chip upgrades on the ECU have shown considerable change to performance.
Hope, any of this helps.
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