View Full Version : Km/H Issue?

13-01-2004, 09:54 PM
Hi Everyone,
I was hoping someone could advise me on what to do about my MOT. My MOT is up for renewal in a couple of weeks and I was recently told that I could fail the MOT for having my speedo in Km/H, as it is registered as a UK car??? Does anyone know if this is true?? If it is true does anyone know where I could obtain some mph speedos?? Sorry if it sounds a silly question but me needs help :(



13-01-2004, 10:04 PM
I wouldn't worry about it...

I've had mine MOT'd twice since I've had it and not had a problem with the speedo at all..

Now the lights might be a different thing...

My MOT station tried to tell me that I had to get some UK lights for the car otherwise it would fail untill I pointed out that:

A) There are no UK spec lights (japan has flat beams that don't rise towards the nearside)

B) If they didn't pass them then I would take it to a dealership in kent (Where Steve M works) who would do it no problem...

Hopefully you shouldn't have any problems getting it MOT'd, I gather that you aren't the first UK owner??


14-01-2004, 09:01 AM
Hi Wilsy
If the speedo is a prob, I can send you some seperate numbers to stick around the edge of the speedo at the relevant incremants (for a small fee)

14-01-2004, 07:59 PM
Thanks for replying guys,
Thats good news. Gary would it be possible for you to contact me at wilson48@btinternet.com and we can arrange something about the mph speedo stickers as I would find them handy nonetheless.
Adrian I am not the first registered keeper no and have checked the old MOT which seems fine. But now we are on the subject of lights, have you changed yours from standard?? Just asking this because I find alot of the time I am driving in the dark and I cant see much and if I put my full beams on I see even less!

Thanks again guys,
