View Full Version : No Beat for 6 weeks - AARRGGH!!!

17-12-2003, 05:03 PM
Hi Everyone,

Nothing wrong with the car thankfully - I broke my bloody wrist - wah :(

Not too bad tho - i met a really nice girl and she is minding me


Take care everyone,

17-12-2003, 06:44 PM
Now that was a silly thing to do.

Bet you wont be doing that in a hurry again!!!!


Swift recoveries

17-12-2003, 10:51 PM
Well at least its Winter and you'd only be getting soaked anyway. Don't let her near the car and don't tell her I said that!

18-12-2003, 12:34 PM
Dave don't be a wimp! Shift with your left steer with your knee while gear changing like I have to, Broke mine on Tuesday night at Karate.....lol

have become very dexterous with my left hand.... my whole damn arm is in a cast...sorry sacks we are...glad to have a comrade in arms lmao



18-12-2003, 05:05 PM
Hope it wasn't your Guinness hand (Dave) / Triple-X hand (Oz) !!

We now know that Oz did his in at Karate (was it something stupendous like 10 concrete slabs?).

How did you do yours, Dave?

18-12-2003, 09:50 PM
it could be worse.. its not exactly beat weather at the mo! hope its better soon! make sure she give you loads of TLC!

18-12-2003, 10:00 PM

Was it due to you breaking your wrist that you met this girl?

If so how did you break it?

just thought it might be worth a try if thats what you can get ;)

21-12-2003, 11:16 AM
I stupendously got in the way of a front kick from an over zealous "I just bought a karate uniform" white belt..........oh the shame of it all........but if its any redmption even with my busted wrist I managed to punch him through the wall for it. hahahaha sadistic aren't I!!???



22-12-2003, 09:46 AM
Thanks for the kind wishes guys - havent been doing much one handed internetting these days so sorry for the late reply.

Between us we could make one good driver Oz - Take care buddy.

Looks like plaster lasts longer than women in my life @ the moment :rolleyes: story of my year :eek: Getting LOTS of sympathy from ladys tho so there is a plus side to everything.

Would you believe its my left hand and I use my right for holding pints lol I was playing 5 a side soccer and there were only 4 on our team - and of course I fell over the ball TWICE on the same hand but ... we won :bounce: Must admit I felt a bit like VanBasten for about a second lol


Im going to try shifting once the swelling has gone down a bit more - to be honest Ive already been playing guitar again!

Thanks again everyone - have a great holiday and BE CAREFUL!
