View Full Version : Official UKHBC discussion board
15-09-2002, 07:19 PM
Does Any one here use the official UKHBC discussion board?
Can anyone else get it to work?
Ive never managed to view it at all, but am told it does work.
Steve M
Hi Steve,
I've used the official UKHBC board on a few occasions.
I use AOL and NTL and it's always worked fine.
I tend not to use it very often as there's never much going on.
This board is more interesting and far busier.
Hope that helps.
15-09-2002, 09:39 PM
Hi Steve,
Yep, works for me also...
Although I don't use it very much either, I post if I can answer something but thats about it really, it doesn't seem as user friendly as this one anyway...
I use NTL or MSN Freeweb (my backup connection) and have viewed it with both.
Maybe your computer security settings are a bit too high to allow you to view it.
Hope this helps
Agreed - the "Official" board is not so user friendly as PW's, which we all use. We're trying to improve things, but we're not in competition. We're delighted that Paul's board is so well used - after all, it's all about Beats and their owners at the end of the day.
We have 62 members in the club now and we're looking to make a few changes. We'd love to have you join again Paul, so that we can pool our resources and make sure that ALL Beat owners, club members or not, get all the help they can for this unique little car.
Paul w
16-09-2002, 11:34 PM
It does seem a bit daft having 2 uk honda beat websites, but its nice having no creative restraints on what i (or any one else for that matter) do (or does).
I must admit to having a bit of a problem with 'car clubs'. I must also admit that the Beat club is not a 'run of the mill' car club, but i sometimes wonder 'whats the point'.
Maybe i'm a bit anti-establishment, or maybe i've sat on one too many commitee meetings, but I do wonder who benefits from a car club. At the moment, I have one goal (and a hidden agenda). The goal is to provide Beat owners with a source of info and somewhere to share there trials an tribulations of beat ownership (the hidden agenda is to practice my website skills and get the info i need for my beat!)
. I'm sure this site would be almost as popular if i stripped off the other pages apart from this forum.
I guess its the people that make anything popular (by definition) and i'm lucky enough to have the support of some fantastic people on this site.
21-09-2002, 04:12 AM
Hello All,
I happened across your board a few days ago, I was impressed by how "Close knit" your members are. I joined to be able to post this, with hopes that someone may make use of the information. I belong to a similar board for first generation Civics, Primarily in the Pacific Northwest, although there are members worldwide.
Recently on the Civic board a member found a site in Japan related to the Civics, posted on the board and started up a conversation that has proven a bit of a windfall. Quite simply we now have a contact in Japan, willing to obtain parts for us. There must be similar sites for the Beat! (I looked, there are several) There may be other constraints in the UK that I am not aware of, however this is just what has worked in this instance. Your situation with the Beat, being what it is, leads me to beleive that you can benefit much more than we, by an alliance of this sort.
I am a Host Family for Japanese students, and my last student's Father owned a dealership in Kyoshu (Sorry, not Honda), one of the gifts sent to me was a Beautiful watch and Album from the pre-release of the new flagship Toyota. My point (eventually) is that there are enthusiasts there too, when a Dealer principal is that "Car Oriented" there is hope.
I will post the link to the Civic board Below, Look around, see what else is there...
I really hope this is at least of interest, may get someone thinking...
As an extended Community, we all really need to keep these cars on the road where they belong!
Thanks for putting up with my rambling on.
21-09-2002, 09:21 PM
Ta for your comments Bill,
A couple of members have contacts over in Japan that they use to get things for people but, as you say, if we could get a contact who is willing to have us deluge him with requests for the impossible then I'm sure people would make use of it...
I haven't had time to check out the link you supplied yet but will do shortly.
Don't worry about rambling on in here... to be honest I'm sure I do at times also...
Ta for visiting
25-09-2002, 12:58 PM
As some people probably know me as Beat products do a deal Phil or general pain in the a*** . I have an objective veiw of the car clubs. Firstly do not foreget the founder and hard work put in by a man call Steve Finegan who brought together a group of beat owners (not officia,l just social) for events and other fun things. One of that group was Paul W, a budding website creator and a total Beat nut, whos car was it really Pauls or his lovelly girl friend :).
Any way I have had various Beats in the last five years and have imported at least five cars. I agree with Pauls ideas official clubs can sometimes get a bit too much and too organised all beat owners want is info, chat and technical help from honda technicians like Steve M and we need to share all our problems solutions and answers. Life is too short to argue and the is not enough of us to be divided. I have requested that the U-UKHBC should become the UKHBC.COM and we all work together as a team. We have to help ourselves as no one else will.
I know a lot of things have been said some not even nice, at the end of the day we love our cars and that should be the most important thing to remember when getting involved in club Polatics.
If any one agrees the time now is to become one mighty Beat force and enjoy our events such as engine braeking track days (sorry steve :) ) and beat meets which means we can put faces to the names would be great, what do you think!!!
Hi all,
I agree with Phil. We should not be divided. There ain't that many of us.
The Beat is our common interest. Nothing else should come into play. Maybe one website would be a better option.
We should all stick together and just enjoy our cars.
I have found you all very personable and helpful when I've had a problem.
Which in turn, makes me more eager to help someone with a problem that I might know something about.
I can't wait for a Beat meet so that I can meet you all.
25-09-2002, 08:12 PM
Hi Phil,Dion...
Whilst I agree that we must all get along if we are to get the most help and enjoyment out of these fun cars, Where do you draw the line...
The point of only having one web site bugs me the most... Does that mean that I can't promote my own website anymore in case I come up with a comment/article that someone doesn't agree with???
What about the other sites that are out there, either already active or in the process of being put together?? should we tell them not to bother also???
I agree that the U-UKHBC might have come into being for the wrong reasons at first (no offence intended Paul) but just look how much it has grown.... Paul has put time and effort (and money) into this so that we have somewhere that we can talk about any subject we want to without having to think about wether we should be posting it or not...
I'm not having a go at the official site but, it does seem a bit on the stationary side at times... I know Brad does it in his spare time but I do think that an update every now and then would be nice... (as would a proof read...)
Well these are obviously just my opinions on the matter but I hope that things can be sorted out in a nice friendly manner and that we can all meet up one day soon for a giant Beat gathering.
Thats it... you can all wake up again now
26-09-2002, 09:59 AM
Hi Adrian,
You may have missed my point slightly, I am not stopping any body having there own web site and maybe only Paul W and a few others no the full History regarding web pages and I am not going to drag up the past. I believe a club has to regenerate as some people leave and some people join. All other clubs have really good web sites. Therefore it is natural selection that the best web site maybe used as the offical one (especially if it gets the most hits!!!).
Normally I will stay out of the polatics and running of the Beat club I am mainly a member not much an organiser. If Paul has spent money creating this site then if it became official then he could use some of the membership funds to cover his costs. The Web site like all other tasks within a club need to be run by people who love doing what they do!!!! People like Paul, Adrain, Steve M and anyone else who has the spare time.
Anyway it will not probably happen too much water under the bridge. S*d it I sell the beat and buy an S2000 :)
Recently, I've not been an active member of this site, mainly because my Beat is running smoothly and leak free .:D (and all this is due to a site hosted by Paul either when it was UKHBC or u-UKHBC)
I check the site each day and am glad that I am one of a group of people that are so enthusiastic about their car. Admittedly, who wouldn't be about the Beat.
What I believe is the strength of Paul's site is that it has no membership. It is almost wrong to call this the UK Honda Beat Club whether official or not because you only have to click on the stats to see that there is someone in almost every country that looks at this site. This site I would say was very much the site for the English speaking world and not just the UK. As this site is not for members, anyone in the world can become actively involved and does not feel that they are interloping.
I must admit that I stopped looking at the official UKHBC a long time ago mainly because all the JAVA made it slow to use from home and, as I never became a member, there were areas which I was restricted from - not to mention the fact that my virus software was always finding viruses!!!
Paul had a vision of what the Beat owners fraternity wanted which was different to the official UKHBC. It seems to me that his was the correct one. And I say, if something works, let's not try to fix it.
Thanks to everyone on this site who have kept my car running.
Paul w
26-09-2002, 01:12 PM
Now i think I better step in and maybe explain a few things!
The reason I 'split' from the official club (although, thinking about it, i'm not sure what makes anything official!) was that I was told that I was no longer doing the website, as I hadn't turned up for any meetings of the commitee. Worse still i was told I had never joined the club!! (keyring 25....)
This was a long time ago though, and I hold no resentment towards the club at all. Back then the club and internet usage were in their infancy, and I guess a web presence wasn't high on their list of priorities. (someone once said to me 'i wish people would stop going on about this bloody website.....')
I think what people have to remember is that this website is not a rival, nor is it the front for another car club. Some people ask 'when is the u-ukhbc having a meet?' Well, the answer to that is probably never. I wouldnt want to organise a meet exclusively for users of this site, that would be the 'thin end of the wedge' in dividing the club from this site.
I have no problems with club members posting events and meetings (I will even set up an 'events' forum if they ask me to)
What I wont do is become involved in the club in any way. This is not out of any bitterness or anything like that, but more because I couldn't give it the time or effort it would deserve.
As for other websites, they can only do one thing and that is promote the beat. The more results on a search engine for 'honda beat' the better. especially if we all share the links to each others sites (are you listening;) ) what does suprise me though is to see some messages posted on the 'official' site from people I have never seen on here. Has no-one told them?? ;)
I do sometime wonder whether the popularity of this site is partly due to the 'unofficial' tag. I wonder if it appeals to our non conformist natures?
After all, we do all drive one of the most unusual cars around, and this is the one thing that unites us all.....
(cue the music, hoist the flag....)
john m
26-09-2002, 01:25 PM
Well put Tim. We all enjoy our cars and this site is a valuable source of information to all of us, its not like a club more like a discussion group and it works perfectly. The UKHBC is a club and the beat owners outside the UK, like me, the other Irish owners, the Oz people and all others that can't actively participate in a "club", therefore the attractiveness if the official site is less than this one to us. To my eyes there has to be room for a club with club events and a less formal forum/discussion site such as this for all of us, including those that feasibly can't attend the events, to participate in knowledge/experience transfer for all our benefit. Obviously a site like this will have more hits because it is open to all, not just members and UK residents but that doesn’t diminish the usefulness of the Club and the associated outings. I know if I were a UK resident I would actively participate in the club and this forum and enjoy both. To both sites, thanks.
26-09-2002, 11:00 PM
Hi All,
I thought I had better reply to this again to apologise in case anyone took what I put last time the wrong way... (Probably)
My comments about the allowance of other web sites was meant to be taken as a sarcastic comment more than anything...:eek:
The only problem with messages is that some of the feeling gets lost when it is read :suicide:
Hopefully I will remember to use the Smilies a bit more (and think before typing) so that things don't get taken the wrong way..
Well unless asked to reply, this will be my last post on this subject.
27-09-2002, 05:01 PM
Oh Sugar opened a right can of worms here, just wanted to turn back the clock to the good old days, you remember Paul, when the idea of a club was just to share info, have meetings (piss ups). And meet people like me sad enough to love my beat.
I am not a club man, I am just a member mainly because of the good old days. I think what I was trying to do was get that lame old website the old spanish archer (el bow) :D
Anyway put the old size 10 in it again, no offence ment to anyone!!
See Ya
Paul w
28-09-2002, 10:30 PM
I'm thinking of locking this thread, just to save any further misunderstandings!
Its really good though that everyone can have their say.
Someone did once say that the websites should be combined, and the easiest way would be to close the other one...! ;)
Enough said
Right, everyone hug!!
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