View Full Version : Autumn B-Hearty

23-11-2003, 12:19 PM
The photo's from the B-Hearty today are up on my home page in the how far can you go section.....enjoy!!


23-11-2003, 12:21 PM
I reckon the best car there today was this one!

23-11-2003, 01:01 PM
Excellent pictures Oz, looks like another good turnout. I like the way you've categorized the pictures - very helpful. I think I'd agree on the white Beat - very tasteful job.


Paul w
23-11-2003, 02:59 PM
Ahhh, is that the BYS front end Oz?

It looks great if it is (wheres my savings jar?)

Those intakes are nice too (eh ade?)


23-11-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Paul w

Those intakes are nice too (eh ade?)


They do look familiar Paul, Can't think where I've seen some though...:p

Nice Pictures Oz, Looks like the weather there is better than here at the moment anyway... (Yep, It's raining again...)



Has one of the yellow ones got a Carbon Fibre Bonnet???

23-11-2003, 10:45 PM

Yep, the white one in the post has the BYS bonnet...drool material. BTW I found the guy with the rings, will organize them for you, he was one ring short on the day to give me a set. I paraded my Beat in the 'brag rally' (5 cars chosen on the day) so your holders got a good mention, and lots of OOOhhs and Ahhs. Seems people want em for around 5-6000 a pair.

The intakes are from a very familiar maker (lol) but if you take a close gander he has totally re-sculptured the back end so the angle acorss the body at about 30 deg or so, makes the car look very phat indeed, there is a closer photo of just the back in the galleries. So far there isn't one (not worth taking a picture of) in the galleries with an FRP bonnet...maybe you should be the first (lol)

General note: Donation of 4500 + 2 Beat caps was made on the day on behalf of the UUKHBC, thanks to all those who chipped in for it, although the Japanese did have fun trying to pronounce 'The Unnofficial United Kingdom Honda Beat Club', talk about ENGRISH!!!



PS Have fallen in love with some side steps...more later