View Full Version : Charity Donations

06-11-2003, 12:07 AM
Dear All,

As you may or may not be aware, I collect for the 'make a wish foundation' charity here in Japan. by saving the odd yen that is sometimes left over from all of your orders. (Until Adrian's generous donation it was at -2490 yen). This month on the 23rd at the B-Hearty meeting I will be donating the balance from 'The Foreign Beat Owners'.... If anyone would like to contribute some cash for it when they do their PayPal transfers to me for the parts please do. Or if you would just like to donate feel free.
I know its not your country and not your charity, but it is certainly a worthy cause...Last event earlier this year we raised 80,000 yen, not much but its increasing.. and a good way to put the Japanese makers (who attend the event) on-side with the foreign ownership as such.... Its only once a year so see if you can't scrounge up a few pounds here and there...

Cheers & Thanks in advance!


PS: There is absoltely no obligation to donate to this event if you do not want to.

The B-Hearty HP is here:


all funds and accounting are for public record there.

Paul w
06-11-2003, 12:29 PM
How about we stick a few yen on every big box that comes over?
just a couple of percent wouldnt be noticed when split between everyone!

Oz does some great work for us lot over here, he'd never take anything for himself, so i think it would be nice.



06-11-2003, 12:36 PM
I agree totaly Paul,

The last amount I sent over (Last Night) was meant to be split between the charity and Oz but he isn't taking any of it for himself...

I think that maybe he should be adding say 100yen (56p) to each order that we place with him, it's such a small amount that we wouldn't miss it but at the rate we are ordering through him, it would soon add up for the charity...

Although if people remembered to add enough to cover the paypal fees that he gets charged then it would be a start...:eek:


26-11-2003, 01:36 AM

The above page is the THANK YOU page from the B-Hearty (Japanese only though) for the kind donations you all made, which I donated on your behalf on Sunday at the event....

Again thanks all, look forward to your continued support on this in the future...



26-11-2003, 01:41 AM
little picy I found....

28-11-2003, 09:13 PM
Excelent one Oz,

Looks like it was a great event, Just a shame that there isn't more Beats over here to have something like that...

I'm glad we could help raise some money and hope next year will be better.
