View Full Version : Chrome Hood Studs Bulk Order II

31-10-2003, 05:30 AM
Second offering of hood studs, set of 6, see previous post for pictures, 3118 in the BIG BOX (see seprate thread). All those that missed out last time this is your chance to get in on this one....the Beat in total uses 15 of them but the very front hood studs can't be replaced with these so 13 is a whole Beat worth if you want but they come in sets of 6 so 12 or 18 is the only combinations...

send through the above amount to my PayPal account and include your snail mail address or if you would like them put in the BIGBOX(BB).



03-11-2003, 11:25 PM
Fahd 1set
Andy V 1 set
Paul W 1 set

so far am I missing anyone???

Lets know pls, order going in soon so it will make this month's BBox.


04-11-2003, 01:47 PM
One set please

Paul w
04-11-2003, 02:37 PM
Can i have a full set (12 or 14??)


04-11-2003, 11:15 PM
If I'm not mistaken....we have 6 hooks across the back of the soft-top- (excluding the two button hooks) 4 inside the cabin in front of the parcel shelf and three inside the boot that makes 13 a set this guy sells them in batches of 6, so 12 and one goes missing or 18 and you have 5 spare.....hmmm...Jcs bought two sets 12 last time so maybe he has some odd ones left over to share around....

recap on order:

Fahd 1 set (6)
Andy 3 sets (18)
Paul 2 sets (12)
Gary 1 set (6)
Me 1 set (6)

If you could all send your money through for me that would be great, the bank is a little dry....

could you drop me a line about the BBox and your order, have holder ready to go, waiting confirmation on last email...


05-11-2003, 09:10 AM
Hi, I've not done the money sendy thing before but if it is easier I could send somebody a cheque and do it that way, I don't even know how much they are! give me a clue please.
cheers Gary

05-11-2003, 10:01 AM
The money sendy thingy details are on my home page, the price is at the top of the post 3118 in the BBox


whatever is easier for you, you can still use cheques in the UK?




Andy V
06-11-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by ozsamurai

Fahd 1 set (6)
Andy 3 sets (18)
Paul 2 sets (12)
Gary 1 set (6)
Me 1 set (6)

If you could all send your money through for me that would be great, the bank is a little dry....


Money sent by PayPal a few moments ago (Gary, don't know whether visiting www.paypal.com will help you regarding using that for money transfer - a direct bank transfer might be better though, which you should be able to set up with your bank using Oz's account details from his web page).

I'll obviously have a few spares from my order so I'm quite happy to come to some sort of arrangement regarding those going to someone else when they get here.

General question:
Am I right in thinking the Box goes to Paul W from where 'European' distribution is done? If so, do I need to send anything to you Paul for the UK mail? If not, what's the next step? (Sorry for the probably daft questions?).



Paul w
06-11-2003, 12:24 PM
The uk postage will be sorted out once the box is here, but it will be uk prices only, so for studs etc should be peanuts really

The cost of the international 'leg' will be allocated by weight, and may be rounded up (but still kept reasonable!) any few pences extra will go into the running of the site. (hope thats ok!)


07-11-2003, 02:27 PM
Erm, I think for 6 press studs it's all a bit too complicated for little old me (my age) but if somebody can procure some for me, I would be prepared to auction the spare bits from my car i.e. front and back bumpers plus spoiler and the proceeds to be shared between the club, upkeep of this site and Oz's charity, if that is acceptable to all, start bidding!

07-11-2003, 10:16 PM
Gary that is a fantastic offer, very generous, I will buy your set of six for you, since I get them the cheapest (no papypal fees). Pick them up from the the BBox when they arrive through Adrian... wish I could also get a bid in on the spoiler too... Thanks again


Paul w
08-11-2003, 10:11 AM
What colour are the parts?
Maybe we could sort something out!


08-11-2003, 10:22 AM
Hi, all the parts are silver although a respray woudn't go amiss but they aint bad, make me an offer and split up the dosh, that simple!

08-11-2003, 10:30 AM
Oh I've just remembered, another set in red will be available next week I think, cos afriend of mine has just bought Stephen M's red beat and is in the process of getting a kit built at the same place mine was (not the same though) I dont know how much he wants for it though, I'll find out on monday, so any way we've got a new recruit, Shaun Broadhirst, he'll be joining soon and coming to the meets!

Paul w
08-11-2003, 10:40 AM
I'd like the red set! Please let me know when they come up!
What kit is being fitted?


08-11-2003, 11:31 AM
I've seen a picture of it yesterday and it looks quite deep and smooth, sort of a euro-look, front and sides. The back is standard because the big powerflow exhaust takes all the space up, I'm sure we can get some piccies soon.