View Full Version : Book Time

24-10-2003, 10:32 AM

What do the experts here reckon the Book time is to fit a new dist and timing belt to a Beat.

Many Thanks

24-10-2003, 01:52 PM
It took me about 3 hours. So I'm thinking 2 with the right tools.

24-10-2003, 05:10 PM

In that case....

I got a call from Honda this morning who have had my Beat since August. I got them the dist (thanks OZ) and they got the belt. Cost to replace ........

£577. Not Happy. The service manager says it took them almost 17 hours. Also, for some reason the engine check light now remains on.

They did see me coming didnt they, I havent picked the Beat up yet and dont think will be able to for a bit until my pockets go deep enough. Thats Gordans Honda in Bolton.

24-10-2003, 05:30 PM
Wow thats bad!

These are the things that come off: Wheel, back of the roof(12 screws, I think), the two inspection pannels, engine mount, fly wheel, a metal guard and a plastic one which covers the belt.

Thats it, I think.

The actual belt takes about a minute to do. Just getting to it is the time consuming part.

24-10-2003, 06:48 PM
Book time for the Cambelt is 3.8 hours and for thew distributor is 0.7 hours.

you can certainly struggle getting some beat exhausts off.

Engine light on afterwards, either got it timed wrong on the belt or distributor in wrong. But could poss be a failed Cylinder sensor due to being disturbed.

should be about £350


24-10-2003, 08:06 PM
Thanks guys,

I got on the phone telling them that £577 is way over the 250-300 estimation I was given before giving the Beat in.
Was given another piece of news, THE JOB ISNT GAURANTEED.

Engine check light needs a new cylinder sensor and also said I need to change cylinder.

This is not looking good. There goes 2004 holiday. :(

25-10-2003, 02:23 AM
I managed to take the guard off without taking the exhaust off. Although that was not the proper way to do it.

The light, most likely its the timing. Check the code or tell them to do it.
Just cause it says Honda on the door, it doesn't mean that they do a good job.

And for the payment, they sound like monkeys to me, throw them a fu$%ing banana. They should be happy with that. If they can't do it they shouldn't touch it.

25-10-2003, 11:37 AM
Well I'm going in to see them Monday morning. Just wondering, would there be any official book time records for the fitting of a dist and cambelt so that I can turn around to them and say. 'It took you guys 17 hours, thats not to say the job was that long, if their incompetency took them that long then I dont think I should be charged for the excess time.

Prehaps, someone who had the same job done at a Beat friendly garage who may have kept a record of time spent.

You're right Adam, I was thinking along the same lines as what you said. They shouldnt have touched it.


25-10-2003, 12:02 PM
here is the page from the parts listings manual.

The bottom item in the list top right corner is the cambelt FRT 3.8 hrs.


25-10-2003, 12:15 PM

Ur a champ, thanks ever so much!

Well, roll on Monday! Will be intresting to see what they say. I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again guys.

21-11-2003, 12:38 PM
So what happened?

22-11-2003, 01:28 PM
Hello Guys,

Thanks for the concern Adam.

As much as I hated what was said to me, it boils my blood more when I think of what they said when I went in that Monday (still pi$$d off!)

I went in that Monday to pick the car up. However, I came back home without her. The service manager with whom i'm to deal with is now on paternity leave! No one else was present that knew about what happened with the car, so they say.

Now I must wait till the end of the month till he gets back to work.

They dont seem to be budging with the price. £577. Recommend me have a new camshaft pulley in as camshaft gear came off camshaft (anyone know part number and price!? + approx labour cost!?) and cylinder position sensor. Otherwise its not a guaranteed job.

I could have been half way to buying a second beat when all this is over me's think!


Will keep you all updated.

Paul w
22-11-2003, 01:37 PM
Fancy naming and shaming them?

(edit) Oh i see you have!

Gordons of bolton eh?

Next time drive down to nantwich, cheshire and use stuart graham honda, they have always been superb


22-11-2003, 02:08 PM
Don't know what to say, but I do know what its like to hit a brick wall. I can't see why they went from changing the timing belt to changing everything.
It sounds like one of these cliché stories where you go in to have an oil change and come out with a new car.

Well I can see three options:

Cut your losses and stop now.
Pay up and try to digest it.
Take them to small claims court.


23-11-2003, 08:20 PM

Your situation really annoys me, as a mechanic I know the way some garages work, though I wouldn't expect this from honda.

They can't actually keep your car on those grounds (I'm not entirely sure they can hold your car for a disputed bill either)

Whilst your waiting you should write a letter of complaint to Honda UK. Point out everything you've mentioned here including the paternity leave. Point out that you want your car and it now needs to be fixed but you will not allow this garage to touch it. (Suggest Paul W's recomendation.) Tell them you are going to challenge the bill in court.

This is obviously only a suggestion but cowboys like this need to be sorted out, it'll cost you a bit of time and a stamp but may save you some ££££


24-11-2003, 12:58 AM
i would defo agree with tim, go to honda uk and make a fuss, a chap i know was nearly charged mad money for a clutch repair- he took the complaint to universal honda and the bill was almost cut in half.

Good Luck & hope it sorted soon.

24-11-2003, 01:23 AM
Thanks guys for all the help.

Its great to have such an active community behind you.

The service manager is due in this week and I'm seeing him on Thursday.

I did kind of kick a fuss when I went in initially to pick my Beat up and did say to them I'll be going to Honda UK and my local trading standards.

I did receive a letter from them saying they heed how I feel and will deal with the issue and review in ref to cost.

I have a price in mind. Although I really wouldnt want to go down the legal road. If they can charge me the price I have budgeted myself then I will simply pick her up. If not then.............. I will write a letter of complaint to Honda Uk (actually I think I'll be writing that either way) and will go to small claims court.

Cheers once again.

24-11-2003, 01:44 AM
Maybe Steve might know what would work since he works for Honda.

Sorry had to include you since you work for the devil!:p

24-11-2003, 08:54 AM
Honda UK won't want to know, it has nothing to do with them, just because Honda Dealers sell Honda Car, does not mean Honda UK has any say in how a Honda Dealer runs its day to day business.

Honda UK will just say to speak to the service manager and sort it out with him.

Unless you have it in writing what it was going to cost before you took it there, I doult you have any legal standings, as its just your word against the dealer, and they can most likely prove how long they have spent on your car via clockings, so would be justified in charging you the hours.

Just speak to the service manager and agree a fair price

24-11-2003, 12:21 PM

I'm sorry to hear that its all turnig to shite for you, Don't think all Honda is like this guys...its not..we have guys busting their butts all day just to fix problems just like yours (I'm just one of 600), you just have to find who to talk to or complain at.



Andy V
25-11-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Paul w
Next time drive down to nantwich, cheshire and use stuart graham honda, they have always been superb

Would anyone else here find a register of UK / Ireland 'Beat-friendly' garages / mechanics useful?

For example, the Parts Dept. of our local Honda dealer in Doncaster just laughed when I mentioned the Beat - and I was only after ordering a part, not any servicing (this when we very first got our Beat).

If it's an idea you think there's any 'mileage' in (sorry :D ) I'd be happy to collate the names, locations and telephone numbers and post them all together as one message on this forum (and edit it when the need arose).

If there's general agreement that it would be helpful, feel free to send details of any Honda Dealers, individual mechanics prepared to take work on or other independent garages who are Beat-Friendly to me by PM and I'll collate and post the list.


30-11-2003, 01:37 AM

Went in to Honda's on Friday. Service manager still on paternity leave (the whole thing is becoming a joke). The service manager is back on Monday (hopefully) so will let you all know how it goes!


30-11-2003, 04:33 AM
A joke which is slowly becoming not funny.

I must admit thou, I see this sort of treatment in a lot of places. Its difficult to find a proffessional these days.

But yeh I agree that we should have a post of good garages. I for one would never let people go near my car.

As for the bit where they don't guarantee the job? That must be against the law. I'm sure if something broke a month or two later they would be responsible for it.

It mad to think that you can carry out jobs like that and the moment the car leaves the garage its not their problem! There is something not right about that.

03-12-2003, 02:27 AM
Well well....... The last time I rev'd the little red un was back in July. Nice summer's day with the hood down and wind blowing (get the picture!?)

Went in to the Honda's today to pick her up. Service manager was back from Paternity leave which without feeling for granted was a pleasant surprise. The situation did get a little on the confrontational side in regards to their mediocre skills at healing a Beat. They were having a little if any of my rant. The damage; £870. With uni expenses on my shoulder, this was one thing I didnt need. The cost and the work done did not at any point correllate with one another in a positive way. Yet after much pontificating by the service manager, we came to a mutual agreement of £600.

Got into the Beat, started like a dream. First few metres driven and down came the water deposits from the roof waiting to wet its owner (priceless!)
On the main road now with the roar of the engine behind me. As much as I hate to, took her to 8500rpm which replaced my frown with a cheesy grin. Summer was over a long time ago but this was truly worth the wait! :D

Thanks to all of you guys for the support and help.

Ps Paul, whens the BB arriving? I want my goodies! :p

Paul w
04-12-2003, 07:19 PM
Glad you got the price down, just to put things into context I've had around 40hrs of low priority work done on my beat and the bill is considerably less than what you have paid. The work has only been carried out when the workshop was quiet, and the guys would be sitting around drinking tea!

I keep forgetting i've got a beat again, as ive not driven this one (ever!) and i bought it in the summer!

Hopefully Oz will ship the BB soon, I think he may have been waiting to see if i wanted a new cam, but thats sorted now!

(ship it Oz if you are reading this!)