View Full Version : Bad Boys

22-10-2003, 08:17 PM
I came back from work in a taxi on Saturday and there were three guys getting into a car. To cut a long story short. They were trying to steel my car. They cut the back window and pushed it down the road. When the alarm went off they got in to their car and drove off.

No real damage, just the window, which I fixed the next day.

The cops got them ten minutes later in another estate .:p I just wanted to brake their legs.

The car they were in belongs to the driver. How stupid. I suppose if they had brains they get a job.

22-10-2003, 08:21 PM
Sorry to hear about that Adam,

At leased they got them which hopefully made you feel a bit better about the whole thing...

What sort of damage did they do??

Was it to the actual window or just the zip for it??? if it was just the zip then I have a complete spare zip assy for the beat rear window if you want it..


22-10-2003, 08:31 PM
Thanks Adrian,

It was the plastic that they cut. But its OK cause I have lots of a spare windows. So it didn't cost me anything and my mother stitched it in. She is making me a new roof at the moment but I'm waiting for the material to come in from England.

The cops took the prints of the car so they have a strong case. I am happy they didn't brake the casing around the steering wheel.

I got one of these pager alarms but its useless if the keys are downstairs and the alarm is going off down the street.

Tamsin Nunley
23-10-2003, 01:58 PM
Brainless idiots! :mad:

Good to hear they didn't actually get away with your pride 'n joy, though Adam!

What are people like? Shameless, and p**s - idle, that's what! :rolleyes:
