View Full Version : After a little brush with a crash barrier

22-10-2003, 01:21 PM
Has anyone got a passenger side headlamp unit for sale??

Came round a corner only to meet a skip wagon reversing towards me half on my side of road ( narrow welsh country roads )

It was either crash barrier or a big lump of skip wagon through my windscreen where my head was so took the easier option

Anyway result broke headlight , dinted bonnet, dinted rear wing

Hopefully dints and scratches won't be to hard to get done

Just need the new headlamp unit ASAP

email on Mathew.Davies@Flintshire.gov.uk

or phone on 01352 704735 ( 8-4p.m. )
or phone on 01352 733411 ( night )

Thanks MAT

Paul w
22-10-2003, 01:27 PM
If you dont have any luck getting one, maybe oz could supply one from his wrecker? (in the december box?)


22-10-2003, 01:29 PM
Cheers Paul
just what I was just looking at he's got a passenger side headlamp on his list but that was a while ago I'm just e-mailing him now

29-10-2003, 06:27 AM
Matt, lets know when the goodies arrive and your back out Beating down the highways!



BTW the postage was a little more than I quoted, you owe me a beer when I eventually get to the UK (lol)

29-10-2003, 08:31 AM
Thanks alot OZ

I'm like a liitle lad who 's lost his favorite toy at the moment

It's sitting in my garage looking a bit sad

30-10-2003, 08:29 AM
Just a quick thank you

OZ the headlight arrived on Tuesday picked it up from next door nightbour last night

It looks like brand new cant wait to get it fitted and start using my beat again
