View Full Version : Radio Reception

Tamsin Nunley
17-10-2003, 07:05 PM
Why is it always so poor even when I put the aerial up?

Is it cos the car's so low down?

Or is it just that the Gathers radio looks good but is ultimately ...um... a bit poop, and was made to pick up Japanese radio stations anyway! :p

Paul w
17-10-2003, 11:36 PM
ahhh, i think you've stumbled onto a problem with japanese radios!

The truth is that over in japan their radio stations are between something like 80-92Mhz where as ours are 88-108mhz
What this means is that your radio will only tune to radio 4, and if your lucky radio 2!
What you need is a frequency expander, this is a little gadget that sits in line with the aerial lead and moves everything down the dial a bit! your radio 2 wont be quite where you expect it, but at least you can pick it up! (and 'youth radio 1' if you insist!)

Now, someone be kind enough to post a link to a suplier and we are sorted!

PW (a bit drunk!)

18-10-2003, 07:02 AM

Your Beat (Roz's old car) already has a Radio band expander on it. It could be that there is a poor connection with the aerial lead at either the radio end or the aerial end.

Whats the reception like on national stations (radio 1, 2 etc) or is it all stations?

Paul w
18-10-2003, 11:28 AM
Ah! i stand corrected!

Tamsin, see my radio guide for removal instructions




18-10-2003, 03:14 PM
Poor radio reception is one of the known weaknesses of the Beat, the problem I am told is the static electricity generated through the chassis, that's why alot of users install earthing kits over here and static straps, I notice mine the most when I drive over a steel manhole in winter. There is a K car earthing kit for 2990 yen available which I am planning to fit over this next month.... The standard antenna is weak at best anyway, may want to check the body side first, take off the passengers side air vent and run your hand up to check the connection condition of the lead and the rubbers etc, could be a body earth grounding out the antenna.. Hope this helps


Tamsin Nunley
21-10-2003, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone.

Yes, as you say Steve, it does indeed pick up Radio 1, local stations etc - but a bit poorly.

Radio 2 and 4 are definately the best reception, but still relatively poor compared to other car radios. One minute it's crystal clear, and the next minute it's all fuzz!

Oz, let me know how it goes with that earthing kit, whether it makes a noticable difference (has anyone ever tried a different antenna, what with the standard one being, as you say, a bit poor), and thanks for those removal instructions Paul!

Tamsin Nunley
03-11-2003, 07:29 PM
...the shoddy radio reception has now gone to no radio reception, as I snapped the antenna off on a tree the other morning :mad:

*cue laughter* :p

Paul w
03-11-2003, 10:43 PM
Giggling like a kid thats had too much whisky while working in paris.......


03-11-2003, 11:18 PM
Well while I was in the UK for a month or so I managed to actually listen to BBC1, having no antenna may be a blessing in disguise I feel! More chance to crank up the 'Beat Tunes'.:D