View Full Version : rattling between 3-4 thousand revs

08-10-2003, 11:21 AM
I wonder if anyone can give me some advise, there appears to be some rattling coming from the engine during acceleration and it only happens beteen 3 and 4 thousand revs. over that it seems fine and under that also. Am a bit concerned. Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance


08-10-2003, 12:37 PM
Steve M should be able to confirm this but it sounds like the springs in the clutch plate rattling...

As far as I know, this isn't a major problem in itself other than it's a bit anoying...

I believe it's something that several Beats suffer from but as long as the clutch is working fine and if you can live with it then it's not worth replacing it until you have to...

Hope this helps


08-10-2003, 12:40 PM
I had a similar noise once. It turned out to be a bolt that holds the alternator in place had come loose and was sitting against the bodywork.

Just a thought...

08-10-2003, 01:05 PM
Hey Jason,

I think its to do with the clutch too, but in my opinion its the release baring, there might be play in it.

Good luck

08-10-2003, 03:36 PM
what do you reckon is the best thing to do? Will my local honda service centre be able to do anything>?

08-10-2003, 06:08 PM
Well I had that problem for a long time, but I'm afraid the only thing to stop it is to change the bearing. Its nothing series and nothing will fall apart, but it just sounds like shit.

I don't think Honda will want to touch it and if they will it will cost you a fortune. To get to it, the whole gearbox needs to come off and to do that you need to take off: back bumper, exhaust, cross member, drive shafts, gear selectors etc. It takes a long time.

I had to change my clutch and that why I did it. If your clutch is fine then get use to it unless you are going to attempt to do it yourself.

This is just an opinion.

08-10-2003, 07:09 PM
The noise is caused by the damper springs in the friction plate of the clutch, quite a few differant hondas suffer from problems with these spings, they become slightly loose in there housing and rattle at a certain RPM, on a Beat its 3-4000.

Replacement of the clutch is the only cure, parts are not overly expensive, Labour involved in the job will be thou, Book time is 5.1 hours, that is if you can find someone who is prepared to take the job on.


08-10-2003, 07:12 PM
thats fine, as long as its nothing serious, It doesn't bother me that much I was just worried thats all.

Thanks for the advise guys.

08-10-2003, 07:25 PM
YAY... I got it right....

See Steve, I do listen to what you tell me some times...;)


08-10-2003, 07:32 PM
Steve says 'Buy a LOTUS'!!!

08-10-2003, 07:33 PM
Here... I said sometimes... Not always...lol

How's the car going anyway??


08-10-2003, 07:40 PM
Going very well.

Just got a few bits for it, just to tidy a few things e.g cracked lamps etc.

Got 40 mpg out of it on a run up to Rockingham and back at the weekend, so cant complain about that.

Otherwise have been checking out ebay for some bits, stainless exhaust/adjustable dampers.

Bad points, insurance is due at the end of the month, best quote so far is £1200 :eek:

08-10-2003, 07:45 PM

Tamsin Nunley
10-10-2003, 01:18 AM
>>that is if you can find someone who is prepared to take the job >>on.

Does that mean you've retired from Beating completely then Steve? No more repairs, even? (nice lotus, btw!)

Mlind, i have that exact problem on my Beat. It doesn't seem to cause any trouble, but it is bloody irritating after a while - especially on an otherwise superb-sounding engine and I am thinking about getting it seen to before it gets any worse.

(or I was, until i blew all my dosh at a heath farm with me mum last weekend! :rolleyes: )

Andy V
11-10-2003, 08:39 PM
You're not the only ones, Tamsin and Mike.

Our Beat has the same symptom, though on ours its generally between 2,500 and 3,000 RPM (I assume its likely to be the same problem...).

(Took her out for a run through Baslow, Monsal Head, Bakewell, Matlock and Crich today. Superb!).

Andy & Pat.

12-10-2003, 01:50 AM
I was just going to ask if the noise continues when the clutch is depressed?

12-10-2003, 02:07 PM
Hey Jason,

Yeh its when your driving on low revs. e.g. 30mph on 5th gear. It goes away when get over a certin mark. Why do you have a noise while you press the clutch?

12-10-2003, 10:17 PM
if theres a rattling noise when the car is ticking over and changes when you put your foot on the clutch, its prob the release baring, thats what was causing one of the noise in my car pre re-build,


Tamsin Nunley
14-10-2003, 10:04 AM
Have had another listen to The Captain after reading this thread.

The noise happens most often when I've just gone into 4th (and, as you peeps have already mentioned) between about 2500 and 4000 rpm.

It seems to be coming from the rear of the car though, unless I'm imagining things...? So how come it's to do with the clutch? Must do a bit more swatting up about cars so I'm not so ignorant! :(

Also, another thing that has started happening is that my (slightly crunchy) gearbox has actually sometimes started making a little - well - 'hooting' sound is the best way I can describe it, when changing gears. it's very quiet, but you can hear it if you haven't got the radio on :p

Anyone ever had that? I assume it's just cos the gearbox is generally a bit stiff and could do with being looked at, or 'stripped' or whatever the technical term is....

Think it might be getting time for my little guy to pay a visit to the garage .... :eek:

Paul w
14-10-2003, 12:12 PM
It seems to be coming from the rear of the car though, unless I'm imagining things...? So how come it's to do with the clutch?

Erm....the engine is in the back (sorry couldnt help it!)

The layout of the car is know as mid engined, meaning the engine sits between the front and rear wheels. The clutch has to be attached (generally speaking, as i'm sure there are exceptions eh steve?) between the engine and the gear box, and they are all bolted together in one big lump!

There is a connection between the clutch pedal and the clutch itself (in the engine compartment), and i think the beat uses a hydraulic system rather than a cable like some cars. (i may be wrong, never played with it!)

The 'hoot' beepy is making could be related to a worn clutch, its its not disengaging properly, did you mention earlier that its hard to get it into gear sometimes?


Tamsin Nunley
15-10-2003, 10:25 AM
Ahh, thanks for that Paul.

Even though I know The Beats are mid-engined (hence corners and bends = 'WHEEEEEE! :D ) when thinking 'Clutch' i tend to just visualise the pedal floating in space and all the 'workings' being just behind it, and where it all goes beyond that is a bit of a blur. (now I think about it '..TOWARDS THE ENGINE!' was indeed a screamingly obvious answer to that. Must get a book on how cars work! 'Appen i could do with one! ;)

Thanks for explaining!

Yes, Beeby is, and according to Steve has for quite a while, been a bit tricky with 2nd gear, so that could be it!