View Full Version : Back On The Road Tomorrow....

Andy V
22-09-2003, 09:40 PM
It looks like we're getting our Beat back tomorrow :D

I haven't spoken to the electrician that carried out the tests and solved the engine warning light problem to get the details myself yet, but we've been told that the Crankshaft Position Sensor was found to be at fault.

The fault code was Code 9, indicating a fault with the No.1 Cylinder Position Sensor (see other earlier thread) but readings were apparently compared with another (healthy) Beat and the Crankshaft Position Sensor was diagnosed as being faulty instead.

Does this make any sense to anyone? Presumably several of the sensors must relate to each other in some way?

We're told the fault has been sorted and the fault code cleared and we'll be getting our Beat delivered back to us early tomorrow afternoon.

A replacement CD autochanger has also been supplied and fitted (though this wasn't without difficulty as some dodgy wiring to a radio frequency rectifier thingy had affected the power supply to the autochanger apparently).

Fingers crossed....

Andy & Pat.

23-09-2003, 02:51 AM
I had that reading and another Beat had it here too, the problem simply was that the timing was off. Once that was done the problem was solved.

23-09-2003, 06:25 AM
This month must be crank angle sensor break-down month! I have had three separate contacts on the same issue from users and service people.... I would say the timing is off more likely than the sensor failure as Adam said, Steve M put up a great page on how to check the timing on his site. The crank angle sensor is inside the distributor so I don't understand how they 'fixed it'. I would be asking details. Most likely they did the timing and it sorted itself out. Was the mechanic Toby Reily???



Andy V
23-09-2003, 05:24 PM
Thanks for the replies folks.

I spoke to the electrician myself this morning and he confirms that ultimately it was the timing that was corrected and this resolved the problem.

The info I had been getting up to then was via the car salesmen who clearly have as much knowledge as I do about it all :p (though I spent some time on Google last night reading up on how the different sensors in ECU systems relate to each other in general to try to improve my limited understanding).

Steve had advised that the timing was one of the possible causes and all the guidance I could find here was passed to the folks who sold me the car at the garage. With the problem being their responsibility I wasn't able to influence the fault-finding further than that. However, all seems well now.

'Brhonda' arrived here at 1530 today and all seems in order now so its smiles all round :)

24-09-2003, 06:22 AM
Excelent news Andy,

Hopefully everything is sorted now, Now all you need is a few nice days to enjoy it with the top down.
