View Full Version : Powerflow COWBOYS

17-09-2003, 09:46 PM
Hi All

Just decided to worn anyone who is thinking about getting a powerflow.. Be careful who you bring it to. I decided to get my twin exit powerflow today form the manifold back, so I dropped my car in to motorstore and told then what I needed. 1 hour later they rang me and said they could only do it from the cat back, so I told them to go a ahead with the job. Heres a few pics of what the monkeys done to my car! Its barley held on-look at the bracket its hitting off both the bumper AND the body and has no flex in the piping.. Everything is CROOKED! They said they would try and fix it next week.. so i have to take a day off work and drive almost to northern ireland!

17-09-2003, 09:47 PM
Vibrating off the chassie

17-09-2003, 09:54 PM
Bracket..... ill give it a day before it falls off

17-09-2003, 09:55 PM
vibrating off the bumper... maybe it will melt it

18-09-2003, 01:13 AM
sorry to hear about that.for the price u paid,i would have expected a better job also.a few better choice words than monkeys springs to mind.i wonder will they cover some of your costs seein as its their fault u need to take day off work an drive all that way.might be worth speaking to a manager.hope u get it sorted

18-09-2003, 09:37 AM
lynching is too good for 'em. I would definately go through the manager on this one, as far up the ladder as you can get! if they did this to my car, I would not only not pay for it, but demand damages renumeration for the damage caused to the chassis and bumper...... I can't believe this kind of work still happens in this day and age of litigation.... hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction. Oz

18-09-2003, 12:42 PM
Hi John,

I hope you get things sorted soon, with the exhaust so close to the bumper then I would be very worried about it melting/deforming due to the heat generated...

Here is a quote from Powerflows web page


"Powerflow products are only marketed through franchised or authorised dealership outlets. These outlets
are carefully chosen based on their ability to deliver a quality product to the consumer in accordance with
Powerflow quality standards."

They have a e-mail address of info@powerflowexhausts.com Which I would be inclined to use to voice your concern about the service you have received.

Hope this helps


18-09-2003, 07:59 PM
Thanks for the comments, I was talking to powerflow today and the soonest they can they can "TRY to put it right" is Friday week, by the sounds of it they don’t even want to start from scratch and do me a new one. I was talking to the manager today and he wasn’t very helpful maybe ill send an email to powerflow UK (thanks for the link Adrian) Im giving them one chance to put things right before I take them to the district court and bad mouth them to every web forum and magazine I can find

Ill let you know how I get on. Thanks

18-09-2003, 08:14 PM
Hi John,

Just make sure you bad mouth them AFTER you take them to court... if you do it before then it might count against you...

Glad the link will be of use and hope it works out in the end
